Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
John Lockes Concept of a Persistant Self Essay - 1055 Words
In this essay I will first explain John Locke’s statement, â€Å"whatever has the consciousness of present and past actions is the same person to whom they both belong†(278). Then I will elaborate on the criteria outlined by Locke to describe the concept of a persistent self. Following the flushing out of Locke’s reasoning, I will delve into David Hume’s concept of the Self as a bundle of perceptions. The juxtaposition of these two propositions of the nature of self will show that John Locke’s idea of persistent self is flawed when examined against David Hume’s concept of self as a bundle of perceptions. Locke states that, â€Å"whatever has the consciousness of present and past actions is the same person to whom they both belong†(278). What†¦show more content†¦One who holds the chain view of self may say that although they cannot remember a certain time period, they can remember a time period when they could recall the period which they currently cannot. Through this shared link of remembered consciousness and the application of Locke’s assertion that, â€Å"whatever has the consciousness of present and past actions is the same person to whom they belong†(278) the perpetrator of the chain view can justify their assertion that they are the same person now as they were in the time period they cannot recall. Locke, however, would not subscribe to this application of his own logic. Locke states that, â€Å"if it be possible for the same man to have distinct incommunicable consciousness at different times, it is past doubt the same man would at diffe rent times make different persons†(279). Locke believes in self as subject to be subject to change enough to constitute an entirely different self from one moment to another granted a lack of memory. David Hume posits an entirely different viewpoint of the self as a bundle of perceptions in his argument against Locke’s concept of the persistent self. Hume lays out two arguments in his error theory: that there is no good reason for believing that we are persistent beings, and that we mistake the ideas of identity and diversity when defining the self as persistent. David Hume proposes in his argument that the concept of a persistent self lacks sufficient
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Roman Law Essay Example For Students
Roman Law Essay Romans did not have very complicated laws but when they were broken there was very heavy punishment. Roman laws influenced most of the laws we have now and most of the laws of other countries. Americas court system was modeled around the Roman court system. They had upper courts and lower courts and that was what built our strong court system now. One thing that we did not take from the Romans is the right to be a Citizen. In Rome there were very strict class systems and they were classified greatly by clothes, shelter, and seating at the games. The word citizen for them meant that you had to be free and lived in Rome. The class system was always followed no matter what. You could move up from your rank in society but then you would have to work really hard and it was not easy because people would still look at you as a low class. The class systems from highest to lowest were the senators, councilmen and their families. Then came the regular middle class citizens, next were the Plebe ians who were very poor but not slaves and last was the slaves who owned nothing at all not even the clothes on their back because it all belonged to their master. Therefore, if slaves were caught running away they were brought upon charges of theft for stealing themselves and their masters clothing. Stealing held a very heavy punishment and that punishment was always upheld. The punishment was capital punishment and all of this was done to teach them a lesson. Some say the Romans had a very strange way of doing things but, the way their country was setup most of their laws were necessary for them. All of this got started with the Twelve Tables of Rome. Which were much like the Ten Commandments except man made them up. They were engraved into Bronze tablets and made up by ten Roman Magistrates around early 450 BC. The laws were really made to please the Plebeians because they complained that they didnt get any rights because the laws were never written down and were often changed. A fter this the Plebeians could no longer be fooled because the Twelve Tables covered all aspects of the law briefly stating the crime and then the punishment. This was where the court system came in because the courts were the ones that had to follow by the Twelve Tables and there was no way to cheat the Plebeians because the laws were in the main Forum hanging up for those purposes. Since our court system was modeled around theirs then it was basically like it is now. They had upper courts and lower courts and the right to an appeal was very well granted but only with good reasoning. The only thing about their court system that we did not take on in a big way is capital punishment. I say this because the Romans loved to kill any one who broke any of their laws but we do not kill unless you have killed first. Another aspect of Roman law is crucifixion, which was what was done to Jesus Christ. The Romans show very little mercy on anyone who comes across them. They show even less mercy to strangers that try to change them because nobody likes change but the Roman officials despised it because it would no longer make them rich and powerful to the people. Family laws were less harsh than state laws. Family law was much different especially for higher classed people. The children of that time were beat on occasion when they did something wrong but it was never on a regular basis. They had hearts when it came to family. The girls still had very little freedom to choose husbands and to plan their own life and they were married off very early. To parents it was a relief to finally marry off their girl child but to marry of a boy child meant more wealth to their family. In Conclusion the Romans had a very uncomplicated legal system and since everything was so easy to comprehend if you broke one of their laws sixty percent of the time you were sentenced to death with out thinking but other times you were just banished. Our laws came straight from out of Rome because the law system worked very well for them. Only certain aspects of their laws were not adopted by us because they were thought to be too cruel. But, what could you say except for when your in the Romans house do as they do or you could get capital punishment for doing what you thing is right.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Mars Incorporated free essay sample
Mars is one of the world’s largest privately owned businesses with annual purchasing of $4 billion. The company is now running an online auction to induce competition and reduce the sourcing cost. In this case, the objective is to buy packages from multiple suppliers at the minimum possible cost. There are 12 different SKUs to be fulfilled from 7 different suppliers. Here is the bidding sequence: During the analysis, we will analyze the problem and ignore the constraint of the number of winning bidders and maximum total winning bids by each supplier. Analysis: First, we decide to build base model for analysis. In the base model, we find there are two allocation methods both achieving the minimum possible cost $ 4470. But based on the tie-breaking rules, we find out the option 2 can fulfill the bidding requirement earlier than option 1. Therefore, we recommend to choose Option 2. Option 1 Option 2 Supplier 2, 1, 6, 3, 7 consist the bidding package. During the optimization, we impose binary constraints to the number of bid instead of integer constraints since we assume Mars can not accept the same bid for multiple times. We will write a custom essay sample on Mars Incorporated or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What if Scenario: To exam the sensitivity of constraints, we run the sensitivity report as below: Therefore, the manager should defer the additional order to the next procurement cycle. (instead, he will encourage retailers to buy other Mars products) As we see the shadow price is 999 for 1500 medium LHS hence the cost will increase by $999. additional constraints for procurement: As noted in the case, cost is not the only objective that Mars cares about. Since these suppliers have worked with Mars for many years, factors such as fairness, reciprocity, and balance influence actual allocation of winners. However, before Mars address these issues, they need to think about the impact on the procurement cost. Keanu and Steve decide to examine one issue at a time in isolation. Location: [Fairfox initiative] Suppliers 6 and 7 are located near Mars headquarters in Fairfox, VA. If Mars wants to guarantee that at least one of the package suppliers is located in Fairfox, the total procurement cost would have no change. Since the optimal option does include supplier 7. Should Mar’s Guarantee Business for Strategic Suppliers? MAR’s considers suppliers 1, 3, 5 as strategic partners for MARS as they supply packages for both confectionary and non-confectionary food products. If a constraint is placed that each of these suppliers win at-least one bid what are the effects on the cost? What is supplier 1 has a minimum order amount? Supplier 1 refuses to supply if the winning amount total is less than $500. MAR’s needs to decide whether to allocate any orders to supplier 1 or no. Assumption: The above constraint that 1,3,5 are strategic partners is relaxed and the solution with lowest cost is most optimal We decomposed this into two scenario’s detailed in the excel as Q5 (1) and Q5 (2) For scenario 1 the constraint we placed is that the sum value of orders for supplier 1 be greater than equal to 1 The sourcing cost turns out to be $5147 and the supplier combination is as below Bid.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Penny Press Essay Example
Penny Press Essay Example Penny Press Paper Penny Press Paper Until the early 1800’s, newspapers in England and America were expensive and therefore exclusive to the wealthy and literate minority. On average, newspapers would cost around six cents per issue and were usually sold through subscription only. Readers would have to pay for a years’ worth of newspapers when first signing up for a subscription, and that cost could be a middle-class worker’s week’s wage. Most people could not afford newspapers and therefore could not receive daily news. In 1833, a cheap newspaper was introduced that cost only a penny per paper. The Industrial Revolution had made printing such a cheap paper possible, and the new â€Å"Penny Press†newspaper became an instant hit. No yearly subscription was necessary, and the majority could afford to read the daily news. This made people in both England and America more aware of current events, and also led to a dramatic increase in literacy rates. The accessibility of the Penny Press to the masses is similar to that of today’s internet blogs. Many websites show news for free, making it available for anybody with internet access. Most blogs that present news concentrate on a certain specific topics. For example, a famous blog called Gizmodo shares the latest updates on new technology, whereas celebrity gossip blogs like Perez Hilton show news about famous people. Blogs are often written in colloquial English, as opposed to newspapers like the New York Times, which are very well-written and may be hard to understand for some. The â€Å"Penny Press†newspaper was important because it made news available to the masses, as do blogs today.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Amelia Earharts Last Flight essays
Amelia Earhart's Last Flight essays There is nothing special about flying around the world, George Putnam told his wife Amelia. People have already done it (Earhart 73). Yes, Amelia replied, but nobody has ever done it at the Equator, where the distance around the earth is the greatest (Earhart 73). On June 1, 1937 Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan departed Miami, Florida bound for California by traveling around the world. The first destination was San Juan, Puerto Rico. From there they would go to the northeast edge of South America, across the Atlantic Ocean to Africa and the Red Sea. The flight to Karachi (then part of India) was another first-no one had ever flown non-stop from the Red Sea to India before. From Karachi the Lockheed Electra flew to Calcutta on June 17. From there, they flew on to Rangoon, Bangkok, Singapore, and Bandoeng. Monsoon weather prevented departure from Bandoeng for several days. It was June 27 before Earhart and Noonan were able to leave Bandoeng for Port Darwin, Australia. Earhart reached Lae in New Guinea on June 29. At this point they had flown 22,000 miles and there were 7,000 more to go. The next stop was Howland Island, a small piece of land that would be their refueling stop on the way to the Hawaiian Islands. It was 2,556 miles away from Lae and surrounded by nothing but ocean. The U.S. Coast Guard cutter Itasca was at the island to keep in radio contact. At first, everything seemed to go well. Earhart radioed she was making good progress and was within 100 miles of the island. Later she radioed: KHAQQ cling [calling] Itasca. We must be on you but cannot see you . . .gas is running low . . . (Lovell 283). After several more messages, she gave what she believed to be her position, then the radio went dead. The cutter Itasca, a battleship, an aircraft carrier with all its planes, and four destr ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The History of Work Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The History of Work - Research Paper Example From creation, people used to live unorganized lifestyles where they for example lived in caves doing nothing for livelihood. The urge to get organized and engage in some activities geared towards making their lives productive and enjoyable led to development of some tools which they utilized to make a living, for instance, through hunting and gathering. It is from there that they saw the importance of settlement and they became more organized and engaged in activities like farming although to very small scale which later developed to large scale production with advancement or utilization of technology in terms of the tools and products used. The farming revolution was experienced after 9,000 BC and brought a lot of notable changes in the world as people considered farming of crops like wheat, peas, barley and lentils among other plants as opposed to engaging in gathering them or hunting animals. Domestication of animals for instance sheep, goats and pigs was also an aspect that was adopted by the people. The first farming practices can be traced in the Fertile Crescent, which spreads from north Israel to the south east Turkey all the way to the south east of the Persian Gulf. Agriculture was however developed differently in other parts of the world as people now attached a lot of importance to it. Farming spread from the Middle East to Europe and some traditional forms of farming was practiced, for instance, the use of oxen to pull the ploughs and even the wagons. Farming was considered a very critical source of work in the agrarian revolution and people did not think of formal work since things like education and industrialization had not hit their minds. Aspects of farming did not change much in the middle ages as the peasants still considered it a difficult task due to lack of technology that could make their work easier and enjoyable. Changes were only experienced in terms of invention of some new
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Implementation of Intelligence Led Policing in U.S Police Departments Dissertation
Implementation of Intelligence Led Policing in U.S Police Departments - Dissertation Example This paper stresses that various factors after the Cold War caused by rapid changes in international level, in a way, helped for the growth of serious and organized crime. These organized crimes have a greater impact on the police force that either the police departments were isolated from their colleagues or they were subjected to organizational restructuring. These movements in the police force gradually lead them to seek out new models of policing that would provide them a conceptual framework on which to orientate themselves. This report makes a conclusion that one can infer that Intelligence-Led Policing has assumed greater significance in the modern era where the rates of serious and organized crimes are increasing. As it is following modern technological developments, it has been well accepted in the modern society for preventing organized crimes. When adopting ILP, it should be noted that whole criminal justice system benefits in various ways. But the Information Security system of ILP also should be taken for granted when regarding the implementation of ILP. It should make sure that they have been well coordinated and executed. Hence, it leads to the conclusion that in Intelligence Led Policing there is a correlation between the surge of intelligence information gathered and the use of this information to solve crimes in the past five years. As police departments implement new programs and policies considerable variations have developed in the interpretation of ILP. ... intelligence are pivotal to an objective, decision-making framework that facilitates crime and problem reduction, disruption and prevention through both strategic management and effective enforcement strategies that target prolific and serious offenders†(Gottschalk, 2009, p. 286). As the quotation makes it clear, effective Intelligence Led Policing presupposes the implementation of an intelligent strategy that can withstand criminal intelligence and strategies. The Intelligence-led Policing (ILP) model policing resorts to a cost-effective crime reduction strategy that can be employed not only in the case of organized and serious crimes but also for high volume crimes such as burglary and vehicle theft. In this respect, Ratcliffe argues that such issues as â€Å"the use of computers to collate, analyse and disseminate intelligence, the relationship between the police and criminal informers, and the perceived effectiveness and evaluation of intelligence-driven strategies†need to be addressed when dealing with Intelligence-led policing (Ratcliffe, 2002, p. 55). The rapid developments in the field of Information technology have not only facilitated the managing of information and intelligence but also has accelerated effective intelligence computer system, a necessary prerequisite to effective intelligence-led policing. The growing public and private need for information have enhanced the responsibilities and roles of intelligence-led policing in the 21st century. However, studies have shown that most of the information collected through policing is used by various agencies for risk management needs rather than crime prevention.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Three things that happened in my life Essay Example for Free
Three things that happened in my life Essay What is that challenge? How is work? Is that something I can stay home and it will come over to me? Is that something I can befit because my parents have it? My explanation about challenge could be different but I think it will work. Challenge is always people dreams but most do not complete it Challenge is your dream, is something you want died for, you sacrifice our life for You believe in, you spend all your time for, you borrow money for, you cut in your sleep for, and sometime you don’t sleep for, First is work! When you want, when you decide to sacrifice you life for it, and will see how work is. No is not something you can stay home and it will come to you, is something you go looking for, no matter how bad it is outside no matter how bad the whether is you wake up with it in you head and get out looking for it, no matter how hard everything is for you go looking for it. No challenge is not something you could be befit from any parents, our parents could be rich and gives you whatever you want, you still need to know you need challenge , our parents can give you most time they have doesn’t mean anything, you can have to put yourself out and looking for challenge just like I did. Remember challenge is go back to school, or if you already at school fit for it, spend all your time on it, always have an your mine why you wake up early for? Why would you go to school for? Why would you do anything jobs to survive? Why would you need to spend a lot of time in school for? Don’t forget how much money you loose if you spend four years in college, and could save that money and go to work making more money, always ask yourself why would you do that for, and keep going in school you will see it, you will understand it, you will satisfy it, you will love it, you will say this is how challenge work.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Turning points in modern Japanese history Essay -- Japan Japanese His
Turning Points in Modern Japanese History The late nineteenth century marked the changing of government, policy, and culture within Japan. In order to understand the nation-state as it is known today, it is important to note key events in the turning of the Meiji Nation in to what is now known as modern Japan. Due to primarily discourse between Japan and China, and later Japan and the United States, the modern nation's expansive empire was annihilated. Militarism and expansionism disappointed the empire as China thwarted the Japanese efforts, with the help of the United States. Events marking the change of the Japanese empire in to the modern empire of today include the Sino-Japanese War and its consequences, tensions and international treaties with China, and most obviously, the Pacific War with the United States. These events marked the transformation of a militaristic and expansionist empire in to a democratic nation and ally. Japanese expansionism was politically and economically motivated in the case of expanding in to Korea. Korea, under the control of China, was seen as an economic source for Japan as well as an opportunity to expand Japanese security. After two Opium Wars and the Sino-French War, China had become weak and was unable to resist western intervention and encroachment. Japan saw this as an opportunity to replace Chinese influence in Korea with its own. In 1894 the Japanese entered conflict with China over the territory of Korea known as the Sino-Japanese war. The Tongchak Rebellion of 1894, however, was the turning point in war against China. As Korea was struggling against the Japanese forces, 2,000 Chinese soldiers came to assist the Koreans against Japan. This was seen as a breach of the previously ... ...economic conditions that had made Japan an aggressor nation, and transforming Japan into a peaceful democratic nation. Under the guidance of U.S. general Douglas MacArthur the Japanese were subjected to the most sweeping program of reform they had experienced since the Meiji Restoration. The establishment of Democracy in Japan is crucial in the composition of the modern nation of Japan. The modern nation of Japan is a result of expansionist prospects that resulted in war between the nations of Korea, China, and the United States. Modern Japan is a result of the Sino-Japanese War, conflict with China, and the Pacific War, as well as the process of establishing a democratic state. These events combined (as well as numerous others not mentioned in this paper) marked the transformation of a militaristic and expansionist empire in to a democratic nation and ally.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Intelligence Definition and Measurement
Question a Though the construct of intelligence has been in being for a long period of clip, there has been no acceptable definition of what intelligence really is. Further, the beginning of intelligence remains elusive, merely as is the value and truth of its trials. Assorted governments have attempted to specify intelligence from different positions. One common definition is that it is ‘the capacity to get and use cognition. ‘ ( Gardner, 1999 ) . Another authorization looks at it as the ability that intelligence trials step. Though definitions are by and large used for general intents, there are certain facets that they fail to turn to. In the first topographic point, there are people with histories of autism or those who are mentally retarded, but who are exceptionally talented in specific countries such as music, but hapless in others such as mathematics ( Angela, 2003 ) . Other people are able to make certain things because of the environment in which they stay, and non because they are intelligent. A kid who grows up in a house with a Television set can run it unlike one who does n't cognize what a Television set is. Others are able do carry through certain things because of familial factors, and non because they are intelligent. One ‘s province of wellness can besides impact the manner he acquires and applies cognition, which is non needfully a grade of intelligence. On the other manus, there are people who have been brought up in certain environments, but who are unable to use the cognition f rom the environment to make certain things. These may be presumed to be less intelligent. The theory of multiple intelligences, propounded by Howard Gardner, best tantrums my selected instruments. He identified seven constituents of intelligence which are independent, and each of which is possessed by different persons to different grades. These are the visual-spatial intelligence, the verbal-linguistic intelligence, the bodily-kinetic intelligence, the logical-mathematical intelligence, the interpersonal, and the musical, intrapersonal and realistic intelligence ( Gardner, 1999 ) . Question B The dependability of ACER Test of Reasonability can be tested. Several points which claim to mensurate similar general concepts are tested to see if they produce similar tonss. The campaigner ‘s intelligence and general cognition is tested by each of the 70 points. The trial has been declared 85 per centum reliable. Cogency refers to how strong decisions, propositions and illations on a given issue are ( Oswald, 2001 ) . There should be a correlativity between the instructor ‘s evaluations and the tonss obtained by the pupils. Reasonable dependability and cogency of a trial must accomplish both educational and vocational counsel in establishments of acquisition. The normative process has to make with a choice of a good figure of people whom the trial is to be administered to. The broad country from which the choice is done is likely to do anomalousnesss because of varied geographical, school type, gender, linguistic communication and the societal and economical backgrounds. Bias could be as a consequence of gender. Certain subjects could be better handled by work forces and non adult females, or vise versa. Dependability of The Constructive Thinking stock list could besides be considered. The points on the graduated table must be able to prove what they purport to prove. There should be adequate points proving each variable. Validity relies to a great extent on correlational surveies. A figure of points resting one ‘s emotional and physical fittingness are used. There could besides be instances of prejudice originating from one ‘s age, educational degree, and gender, though these should be curbed if the trial is to hold any significance. Accomplishment trials are used in both academic and professional scenes. They include the Basic Achievement Skills Inventory ( BASI ) and the Test of Academic Performance ( TOAP ) ( Reynolds, 1998 ) . BASI is administered as a group trial. It can assist place larning disablements common in reading, numeracy, choice pupils for particular accomplishments, college arrangement etc. TOAP estimates the academic public presentation of kids topographic points them in classs in footings of accomplishment and analyze how their public presentation has changed over clip. It employs a aggregation of six topics. Two are related to reading while four are administered to persons and groups. The trial is timed, and is meant to be done rapidly and easy. Reliability testing is done to prove the stableness of the consequences on a test-retest footing in the BASI appraisal. The first and 2nd testing of each pupil is computed and correlated. Two hebdomads are allowed between trials. The estimations from test-retest samples are largely reasonably strong. Cogency could besides be tested by looking at the assorted subsets of the pupils to be tested. The norming process could affect random sampling, and attention taken to avoid any prejudice for or against any group. Dependability and cogency for tonss does non come out really clearly in TOAP. However, the test-retest method could still be used. Validity could be looked at by correlativities between subsets. As is the instance with others, possible countries of prejudices need to be avoided for so trials to reflect the true place. Question degree Celsius There are many types of appraisal for proving intelligence degrees. These scope from cognition and abilities of a general nature, to countries and topics that are specific. One of these is the ACER Test of Reasonability. The other one is Constructive Thinking Inventory ( CTI ) . The ACER Test of Reasonability consists of 70 multiple pick points which seek to prove the general ability of scholars between 9 and 11 old ages, and it is largely used in Australia. Focus is on single tonss, whose consequences assist the instructor usher and advocate pupils refering vocational preparation. All inquiries are to be answered, even if the reply is non perfectly known. The Constructive Thinking Inventory ( CTI ) consists of 108 self-reporting points. It is designed for mature people of over 18 old ages. Descriptive statements of idea and behavior are given, where the respondent is supposed to rate himself on a graduated table from 1 ( Absolutely False ) to 5 ( Absolutely True ) ( Simons, 1998 ) . The trial measures one ‘s ability to believe constrictively or destructively. The consequences from this sort of appraisal are used to assist in psychotherapeutics. It is besides used in reding substance maltreaters, pupils in college, human resource choice and work related issues in organisations. Question vitamin D There are a figure of ethical issues associated with accomplishment and intelligence trials in instruction. Consideration should be put to the fact that an test can forever alter person ‘s life. Care should hence be taken when puting and administrating. A low achieving pupil could for illustration be put in a particular category from where his demands can easy be met. One could hold misinterpreted the inquiries and therefore given the incorrect replies, non because he is non intelligent. If the trial is culturally biased, the pupil ‘s public presentation is likely to be affected. Care should hence be taken to avoid this scenario. The pupil ‘s degree ; of success can easy be hindered by IQ trials which are frequently considered biased. Ethically hence, an appraisal of pupils must hold an unquestionable degree of dependability and cogency. The foregoing discourse establishes that the definition of intelligence is varied, and frequently combative. Assorted theories whose purpose nevertheless is to assist in the apprehension of intelligence exists. Measures and trials at the disposal of instructors could be employed to guarantee that proving meets the needed criterions.MentionsAngela, C. ( 2003 ) . Intelligence and Autism. New York. Pride BooksGardner, Howard. ( 1999 ) â€Å" Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the twenty-first Century. †New York: Basic Books. Reynolds, W. ( 1998 ) . Intelligence Theories and Tests. Virginia: Oswald. H. ( 2001 ) . Trials for Research Instruments. Vermouth: Cedar Pine Publishers St. simons, T ( 1998 ) Trials and Measurements of Intelligence. Hollywood: Noel Publications Intelligence Definition and Measurement Critique of the definitions of IntelligenceThere are certainly many definitions of intelligence as there are experts who study it. A Psychologist, R.J. Sternberg (2000), editor of handbook of intelligence offered variety definitions from various writers. Few of these definitions done by the editors of the Journal of Educational Psychology, which I consider fits for this paper are as follows:â€Å"Intelligence is sensory capacity, capacity for perceptual recognition, quickness, range on flexibility or association, facility and imagination, span of attention, quickness, or alertness in response†(p. 8).Intelligence is also defined as â€Å"the ability to learn or having learned to adjust one self to the environment†(p. 8). There are still more definitions but to conserve some space I just chose two. Indeed, all the definitions offered by the editors of the Journal of the Educational Psychology were obviously product of years of studies as most of the definitions were dir ected towards mental ability. The definitions above identify the intelligent person not only in terms of the intellectual ability of the mind but in its ability to quickly adjust to new environment.The Measures of IntelligenceThe Standford – Binet theory of intelligence fits for these two definitions because the measures of intelligence test are more related. The Standford-Binet intelligence tests cover four major areas such as verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, abstract/visual reasoning, and short-term memory. Scores include raw scores and scaled scores for each of the 15 subtests, scaled scores and percentile ranks for a composite of the four area scores, a composite of any combination of the four area scores and a profile of all 15 subtests based on scaled scores. A pretest is administered to identify the level at which to begin testing. Scores corresponding to IQ’s are called â€Å"Standford Age Scores†.Meanwhile, the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT ) has a number of positive features according to Joseph F. Jastak. He explained that the WRAT is fast and simple to manage and score, the examiner can create choices in the content of the test and in management of the form (Singular or Combined). The prototype of errors that a person has done can be analyzed qualitatively, particularly if the collective form of the test is used, since the WRAT scores are free from the polluting effect or understanding the standard score can be used for comparison with other tests, e.g. the Weschler Scales – in order to determine learning ability or disability, the evidence for construct soundness and dependability is highly regarded and as the literacy sub-tests are untimed, the subject can complete these segment with no time pressures.The WRAT can offer an indicator for the measurement of fundamental reading, spelling and arithmetical skills in individuals with few or no academic qualifications. It can also be used in combination with other tests to present a more wide-ranging picture of the individual academic skills to determine learning ability or disability.Comparing and Contrasting of Selected IntelligenceBoth Kaufman assessment battery for children or K-ABC and the Stanford-Benit theories offered the same areas of concern, cognitive development. They both paid attention to intelligence testing beginning from the child’s early age. However, Kaufman’s ABC development assessment focused on particular groups such as the handicapped group, those with learning disabilities, and cultural minorities. On the other hand, The Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale presents their test items by age level rather than by particular groupings of special people. Kaupman ABC can also be viewed as rather insufficient in the since that it still needs to be reinforced by other more established, and well studied neuropsychological test such as Stanford-Binet, Wechler scales, and McCarty scales.How the goals are are similar an d differentThe Stanford-Binet theory in contrast with the insufficiency of the Kaufman’s ABC intelligence test is well established and offers a wide range of studies involving all age levels. They have established theories on both language and cognitive development. Kaufman study paid attention on their studies of intelligence on emotionally seriously disturbed children. Their focus is on cognitive development based relationships rather than language skills, while the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale offers measures of the person’s general intelligence. In this case, they were on different focus of providing intelligence measurement.How are the Tests Used?In Kaufman’s intelligence scale test is made of sixteen parts. The child then is to complete some task that usually involves placing items in sequence. The child is then evaluated on his or her mathematical, spatial, the ability to mentally process the tasks or problems, and reading skills. The Stanford-Binet intelligence scale Jacquelin Goldman, Claudia L’Engle Stein, and Shirley Guerry (1983) noted that intelligence measurement tests were given at age range from two years old through adulthood. They cited that at each of the age levels there are six items and one alternate item. But from age two through five, test levels are at half-year level intervals, then at age six through fourteen, test levels are at yearly intervals. Goldman, L’Engle and Guerry pointed out that test content conducted for age two, includes form board, delayed response, identifying parts of the body, building blocks, word combinations, and identifying objects by name (p. 148).Purpose of Giving Differing TestIn Kaufman ABC, the purpose of test is for the assessment of the cognitive development, while Stanford-Binet provides the test to measure person’s general intelligence. This is obtained by presenting to the individual a variety of tasks of known increasing difficulty.Examining the Ethical C onsiderations Associated with Achievements and Intelligence Test in EducationAside from children, maybe adult are maybe more liberal in this aspect as long as test that were conducted does not violate any of rights, or as long as it does abuse them. I believe that there is nothing ethically inappropriate with test measures of both Kaufman and the Stanford-Binet. However, test conducted for children should be more cautious especially with use materials. Lead toxicity and choking hazards should be extremely under strict monitoring. Data revealed that prolong exposure to toxic materials may lead to serious renal, hematologic, and neurologic complications (. 117)ReferencesGoldman, J., Stein, C. E., & Guerry, S. (1983). Psychological Methods of Child Assessment. New York. Brunner/Mazel Inc..Sternberg, R.J. (2000). Handbook of Intlligence. U.S.A. Cambrige University Press.Guide to Clinical preventive Services. (1989) U.S. Preventive Task force. U.S.A. Reane PublishingInternet source:Kaufm an Assessment Battery for, Joseph. (1978). Wide Range Achievement Test, Jastak Associates,
Sunday, November 10, 2019
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Essay
The novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey, 1962) is narrated from the point of view of a character called â€Å"The Chief†who is an inmate of the mental asylum in which the story takes place. The book opens with a scene where the Chief is sweeping the floor and ends with the Chief escaping from the asylum, and so the changing perceptions of the Chief are a key to the main messages of the book. The character who occupies most of the action in the book is a rebellious newcomer called McMurphy. It is McMurphy who is the catalyst for the change in the Chief, showing him a both a different way to see the asylum and a number of strategies of resistance which ultimately allow the Chief to break free. This paper will analyse how the Chief perceives the asylum in the early stages of the book, focusing especially on the concept of â€Å"the Combine†. After that Murphy’s view of the world will be presented, along with his various resistance strategies. In conclusion the Chief’s revised view of â€Å"the Combine†will be analysed, showing what has changed in his understanding of the world of the asylum, and of the world in general. At the start of the book it is not immediately evident that the Chief is mentally ill. He explains that he is half Indian and chooses to be deaf and dumb: â€Å"I’m cagey enough to fool them that much†(Kesey, p. 9) His separation from the world of sound is presented as a deliberate defence against oppression, but the reader may suspect that it is a symptom of a mental illness like paranoia or schizophrenia. It is a feature of the book that medical descriptions are avoided, and the reader is left to figure out for him or herself whether or not, or to what extent the characters are ill or mad. The Chief imagines the Big Nurse having powers that extend via wires which only he can see: â€Å"I see her sit in the centre of this web of wires like a watchful robot, tend her network with mechanical insect skill†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Kesey, p. 27). He imagines that she is working to control the world outside the institution also, suggesting that there is a huge conspiracy against him and the other inmates called â€Å"the Combine†which he defines as â€Å"a huge organization that aims to adjust the Outside as well as the Inside†(Kesey, p. 27). This analogy works both as a description of a delusion, with no basis in reality, and as an artistic representation of an institution (the asylum) and a wider authoritarian society (conservative American society in the early 1960s) which operates on a rigid and inhuman basis. At the start of the book the Chief, and through him the reader, feel this cold, hard, oppressive force and see the inmates as victims of its power. One way of making this chilling force constantly present in the narrative is the Chief’s use of vocabulary relating to machinery to describe all of the asylum personnel. The three â€Å"black boys†who are orderlies working for the Big Nurse speak with the â€Å"hum of black machinery†(Kesey, p. 9) and the most frightening of all is Nurse Ratched herself: â€Å"She works the hinges of her elbows and fingers †¦ She starts moving,†¦when she rumbles past she’s already as big as a truck, trailing that wicker bag behind her in her exhaust like a semi behind a Jimmy Diesel†¦ and her smile’s going out before her like a radiator grill. †(Kesey, p 79). These are inhuman images used to describe the leaders of an inhuman regime. The arrival of McMurphy into the story makes a huge impression on the Chief who, despite his huge size, is cowering and fearful of the cold and all-controlling power of the Combine. The first impression is of McMurphy’s â€Å"loud brassy voice†(Kesey, p. 14) Chief significantly makes a connection between this voice and the voice of his Indian father: â€Å"He talks a little the way Papa used to, voice loud and full of hell†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Shortly after this the ward is stunned by the sound of McMurphy’s laughter, which is strange to them because no one ever laughs in this oppressive place. So much of McMurphy’s verbal behaviour is a surprise to the ward: his laughing, singing and ironic banter are all examples of a language the inmates have forgotten the meaning of. This is one of the most important aspects of McMurphy’s influence. He reminds the inmates of a different kind of communication with authority and with each other that is free and spontaneous, unconcerned about the hierarchies of the asylum context, and taking everything less seriously than the authorities intend things to be taken. McMurphy mocks people, including his friends, in order to show that there is more than just one way of seeing things, and that the asylum’s regime is ridiculous when viewed from outside perspectives. He argues with the Big Nurse, and he laughs at her rants and rages. This is a subversive attitude, and it sparks new thoughts in all the inmates, setting off a chain reaction of awareness that cannot be stopped. The first meeting of McMurphy and the Chief is also an important moment in the book, and this time the Chief is struck by the touch of McMurphy’s hand: â€Å"It rang with blood and power†(Kesey, p. 25). Later, when sweeping out the sleeping area, the Chief notices a smell that he has never encountered before in all this time on the ward; â€Å"the man smell of dust and dirt from the open fields, and sweat, and work. †(Kesey, p. 83). It is as if the Chief is rediscovering through the presence of McMurphy, all the natural human senses which had been dulled or switched out of commission by the Combine. Just by being himself McMurphy reawakens the warm, human qualities of the inmates and shows them how to use these qualities against the hard, cold machinery of power. The world that McMurphy represents is offered as a contrast to the regimented, controlled environment of the ward. There is nothing particularly radical about what he represents, for example setting up a voting process to determine the television viewing schedule for the inmates, but in the upside-down regime of the Combine this appears to be a shocking suggestion. Drinking, smoking marijuana and sex with prostitutes are, in the world outside the asylum, quite ordinary and natural expressions of normal masculine behaviour in large sections of the community. It is the abuse of power by the Big Nurse in talking to Billy Bibbit’s mother that turns the antics of the inmates from a prank into a tragedy. In every society it is common for young males to push boundaries and experiment with things that are forbidden by teachers, parents and authority figures. It is part of normal growing up. The irony of the asylum is, that it takes an oppressed youngster like Billy and then just when he catches a glimpse of sexual and other kinds of freedom via McMurphy, crushes his spirit so completely that he takes his own life. The book depicts a struggle for power over the inmates: â€Å"As the many symbols and images indicate, the central theme of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is the restoration of the inmates’ individual and collective potency. (Lupack, 1995, p. 94). Whether as group, or as separate individuals, McMurphy encourages the inmates to take back the power that has been unjustly stolen from them by the institution. Some critics have seen McMurphy in religious terms, as a character who sacrifices himself in order to save his brothers: â€Å"The fishing scene is an extended figure of Christ and his disciples, and instance of McMurphy as fisher of men. †(Hicks, 1981, p. 174). Hicks points out that there are images of the cross and the crown of thorns in descriptions of the electric shock table, and that McMurphy’s men are â€Å"physically cannibalizing him†(1981, p. 5) by wearing him out more and more as he transfers his power and energy over to them. It is true that as McMurphy’s influence grows, more and more of the inmates rebel or discharge themselves, or in the case of the Chief, make a spectacular escape but this is a book that does not come with a happy ending and salvation in a heavenly future. McMurph y is turned into a lobotomized shell of his old self which the Chief kills out of mercy, as an Indian would kill an injured animal. The future of the other characters is not known. The freedom that the Chief gains is a freedom from the real and imagined â€Å"wires and connections†(Kesey, p. 254) that he rips up when he throws the control box out of the window. In conclusion, then, it appears that the Chief has changed his view of the Combine. He leaves the delusions and the asylum behind but he still must navigate his way in the outside world. It remains to be seen how he will tackle the Combine-like injustices and oppressive forces in the wider world. He does not have his mentor McMurphy with him, and must only go back to where he started and try to reintegrate into a community that has been oppressed and exploited by the building of a great dam. The great difference at the end of the book is that that he wants to go back to his old haunts â€Å"just to bring some of it clear in my mind again†(Kesey, p. 254) and thanks to the example shown by McMurphy, he can now do this with courage and clarity, seeing possibilities of collective resistance rather than just being isolated and crushed by overwhelming institutional power.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Conjugate the Japanese Verb Kuru (to Come)
Conjugate the Japanese Verb Kuru (to Come) The word kuru is a very common Japanese word and one of the first that students learn. Kuru, which means to come or to arrive, is an irregular verb. The following charts will help you understand how to conjugate kuru and use it correctly when writing or speaking. Notes on Kuru Conjugations The chart provides conjugations for ​kuru in various tenses and moods. The table begins with the dictionary form. The basic form of all Japanese verbs ends with -u. This is the form listed in the dictionary and is the informal, present affirmative form of the verb. This form is used among close friends and family in informal situations. This is followed by the -masu form. The suffix -masu is added to the dictionary form of verbs to make sentences polite, an important consideration in Japanese society. Aside from changing the tone, it has no meaning. This form is used in situations requiring politeness or a degree of formality and is more appropriate for general use. Note also the conjugation for the -te form, which is an important Japanese verb form to know. It does not indicate tense by itself; however, it combines with various verb forms to create other tenses. Additionally, it has many other unique usages, such as speaking in the present progressive, connecting successive verbs, or asking for permission. Conjugating Kuru The table presents the tense or mood first in the left column, with the form noted just below. The transliteration of the Japanese word is listed in bold in the right column with the word written in Japanese characters directly below each transliterated word. Kuru (to come) Informal Present(dictionary form) kuruæ ¥Ã£â€šâ€¹ Formal Present(-masu form) kimasuæ ¥Ã£ ¾Ã£ â„¢ Informal Past (-ta form) kitaæ ¥Ã£ Ÿ Formal Past kimashitaæ ¥Ã£ ¾Ã£ â€"ã Ÿ Informal Negative(-nai form) konaiæ ¥Ã£ ªÃ£ „ Formal Negative kimasenæ ¥Ã£ ¾Ã£ ›ã‚“ Informal Past Negative konakattaæ ¥Ã£ ªÃ£ ‹ã £Ã£ Ÿ Formal Past Negative kimasen deshitaæ ¥Ã£ ¾Ã£ ›ã‚“㠧ã â€"ã Ÿ -te form kiteæ ¥Ã£ ¦ Conditional kurebaæ ¥Ã£â€šÅ'ã ° Volitional koyouæ ¥Ã£â€šË†Ã£ †Passive korareruæ ¥Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£â€šÅ'ã‚‹ Causative kosaseruæ ¥Ã£ •ã ›ã‚‹ Potential korareruæ ¥Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£â€šÅ'ã‚‹ Imperative(command) koiæ ¥Ã£ „ Kuru Sentence Examples If youre curious about how to use kuru in sentences, it can be helpful to read examples. A few sample sentences will allow you to peruse how the verb is used in various contexts. Kare wa kyou gakkou ni konakatta.Ã¥ ½ ¼Ã£ ¯Ã¤ »Å æâ€" ¥Ã¥ ¦Ã¦ ¡Ã£ «Ã¦ ¥Ã£ ªÃ£ ‹ã £Ã£ Ÿã€‚ He didn't come to school today. Watashi no uchi ni kite kudasai.ç § 㠮㠆㠡㠫æ ¥Ã£ ¦Ã£ ã ã •ã „。 Please come to my house. Kinyoubi ni korareru?金æ›Å"æâ€" ¥Ã£ «Ã¦ ¥Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£â€šÅ'ã‚‹ï ¼Å¸ Can you come on Friday? Special Uses The website Self Taught Japanese notes that there are several special uses for kuru, particularly to specify the direction of an action, as in: OtÃ… sanha arigatÃ… tte itte kita. (ã Šçˆ ¶Ã£ •ã‚“㠯ã€Å'ã ‚ã‚Šã Å'㠨㠆〠㠣㠦è ¨â‚¬Ã£ £Ã£ ¦Ã£ 㠟。) My dad said thanks to me. This sentence also uses kita, the informal past (-ta form). You can also use the verb in the -te form to indicate the action has been going on for some time up until now, as in: Nihongo o dokugaku de benkyÃ… shite kimashita. (æâ€" ¥Ã¦Å" ¬Ã¨ ªÅ¾Ã£â€šâ€™Ã§â€¹ ¬Ã¥ ¦Ã£ §Ã¥â€¹â€°Ã¥ ¼ ·Ã£ â€"ã ¦) Up until now, I’ve studied Japanese on my own. Self Taught Japanese adds that in this example, it’s difficult to capture the nuance in English, but you can think of the sentence meaning that the speaker or writer has been gathering experience before arriving at the present moment.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Overview of United States Relations With France
Overview of United States Relations With France Americas birth is intertwined with the involvement of France in North America. French explorers and colonies scattered across the continent. French military forces were indispensable for America ´s independence from Great Britain. And the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France launched the United States on a path toward becoming a continental, and then global, power. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the people of the United States. Prominent Americans such as Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison have served as ambassadors or envoys to France. The American Revolution inspired supporters of the French Revolution of 1789. In World War II, U.S. forces were instrumental in freeing France from Nazi occupation. Later in the 20th Century, France drove the creation of the European Union in part to counter U.S. power in the world. In 2003, the relationship was in trouble when France declined to support U.S. plans to invade Iraq. The relationship healed somewhat again with the election of the pro-American ex-president Nicholas Sarkozy in 2007. Trade Some three million Americans visit France each year. The United States and France share deep trade and economic relations. Each country is among the others largest trading partners. The most high profile global economic competition between France and the United States is in the commercial aircraft industry. France, through the European Union, supports​ Airbus as a rival to American-owned​ Boeing. Diplomacy On the diplomatic front, both are among the founders of the United Nations, NATO, World Trade Organization, G-8, and a host of other international bodies. The U.S. and France remain as two of only five members of the United Nations Security Council with permanent seats and veto power over all council actions.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
N2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
N2 - Assignment Example The skills and talents can be honed and developed to contribute to the care of the patient, while the personality of the person has to be taken into account when making decisions of a person’s role in patient care to maximize the good that person can do. The job factor is all about finding the right task for the right people. It means matching up jobs that require certain skill to someone proficient in that skill. It makes the job easier and more effective for everyone. To do this, one must know about the person taking care of the patient as well as the patient himself/herself. Fitting the job to a person’s strengths is not just a matter of making it easier. It is a wise use of resources which would be invaluable, especially in a hospital where lives are at stake. The organization is the interactions and the standards set between the health care staff. It is composed of the health and safety culture, the leadership system, and the communications of the health care providers. This is important because even if the right people are available for the right jobs, a lack of coordination from the organization could undo such advantages. Taken as a whole, The field of Human Factors are variables that define the relationships between people, work, and the systems governing them in a specific area (Carstens, 2005, p. 83). The effective manipulation of these factors in a hospital setting is matters of life and death, thus are sound candidates for careful scrutiny and application. In the medical-surgical setting, we can see many instances where human factors contribute to the welfare of patients. Sadly, mistakes are unavoidable, and it is here where we find the limits of the human factors, as well as areas to find improvement. Surgical practice is one of the best situations wherein human factors are apparent, and the effects are immediately appreciable. The
Friday, November 1, 2019
Pricing Scheme Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Pricing Scheme - Research Paper Example The United States stock market is the place where individuals buy or sell stocks. The markets’ sellers sell the companies’ products to the eager stock buyers. Similarly, the stock market sellers offer to buy the stocks sold by the stock owners. Economics plays a major role in the sale or purchase of the stocks. The sellers prefer to sell more stocks at higher prices. Similarly, the buyers prefer to buy stocks at lower prices. As the prices rise, the current and future customers’ demand for the products decline. When the prices rise, the supply of the products increases (Arnold 312). The current research delves on the pricing of the Verizon Company’s stock market prices. The stocks are sold and bought using a controlled computerized software program. The stock market includes the services offered by the stock market agents. The agents are selling the stocks of the communication services company, including Verizon (Morningstar 1). Table 1 shows the prices of the Verizon stocks sold in the digital stock market. The stock market prices show the equilibrium price. The equilibrium price is the price agreed upon by both the Verizon stock sellers and the Verizon stock buyers (Morningstar 1). There are economic interpretations of the stock market prices (Arnold 312). In terms of the January 10, 2014 equilibrium price, the sellers and buyers of 11,454,003 stock units agreed to sell (exchange) the stocks at $ 47.75 per stock. The price dropped from the prior week’s $48.42 stock market price. The price drop was instituted in order to increase the drop in the demand for the Verizon stocks. The 11,454,003 stock units sold show the decline from in the demand for the Verizon stock. The prior week’s stock market units sold (exchange) was higher at 12,045,205 units (Morningstar 1). Similarly, the January 31, 2014 stock market price of the Verizon stock was $48.02 each. At this price, there were 18,558,798 stock units sold.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Econ 103 Term paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Econ 103 - Term Paper Example China’s growth rate was 10.3% in the previous year, and an estimated 9.2% GDP growth is forecasted for 2012. One of the key concerns is inflation in China, which is expected to hover around the 4.3% mark in the following year, primarily due to higher commodity and food prices, and excessive liquidity in the market. China’s next 5-year plan has laid emphasis on reducing reliance on foreign investments due to risk profiles. Domestic consumption and services will be the target for this fiscal year. Private consumption is expected to increase by 12.6% due to rising incomes and excessive spending patterns, while at the same time exports will target a growth of 20%. Japan’s disaster stricken economy is expected to increase at 1.5% post the earthquake, but the nature of the crisis appears to be short-term to medium term. Compared to other Asian nations, China’s economic performance is still laudable, but the creeping inflation threat must be addressed before it s tarts hampering growth. The slowdown in China’s growth will further exacerbate if inflation is kept unchecked. The Asian Development Banks has emphasized that core inflation rising is an issue for most Asian nations are they house over 2/3rd of the worlds poor population, and hence corrective measures will be required from all facets to ensure that the problem does not spiral out of control. Theory Review & Analysis: There are a number of economic concepts are work here. Two of the most prominent ones include the GDP growth and the corresponding inflation rate in the country. China has witnessed phenomenal growth in recent times, primarily due to rapid increase in manufacturing and merchandising sectors of the country. As the fastest growing economy of the world, there is always that element of keeping the pace of growth within acceptable levels to avoid the heating up of the economic business cycle. Given the case at hand, we need to understand the fundamentals which are app licable in such a scenario. This includes the relationship between money supply and inflation. Another feature in the article is the relationship between interest rates and GDP. China’s economic framework is built on the fact that their GDP grows at a steady pace, so that they can sustain this growth. However, the excessive maneuvering of its key economic indicators has lead to a cause for concern. The first issue which is to be analyzed is the rampant increase in the money supply of the country. There has been a credit boom in China, and accessibility to money is no longer an issue for the common man. With banks pursuing easy lending policies and a positive outlook from the People’s Bank of China has left the money supply unchecked and has triggered an excess amount of liquidity in the system. Now it’s an established fact that the money market is in equilibrium when money supply = money demand. In China’s case, the money supply went up and the demand for money adjusted itself by increasing. Thus the spike in demand for money began. With the interest rates on lower ebb, people realized that the opportunity cost of saving money was forgo able and opted for consumption instead. Another established economic theory is that when demand increases, the economy starts growing until a point is reached when more demand for money just pushes the
Monday, October 28, 2019
A Night in New York City Essay Example for Free
A Night in New York City Essay On a late Saturday evening I was studying continuously when suddenly I heard a monotonous and awful scream which made me run out of the house immediately. When I reached outside I could not believe what I had seen. A two-storey and turquoise coloured house had caught on fire. People were rushing in and out of their square shaped houses bringing huge and heavy buckets of water trying to extinguish the ravaging and terrible fire. I was behind the crowd panicking, trembling and feeling afraid looking at the horrible and awful sight. The three people, the father, the mother and their daughter were trapped in the house screaming and crying continuously in pain and anger. Some people tried throwing big heaps of blankets to cover the fire but it was of no use. Instead the fire was increasing dreadfully. Others tried saving the helpless people from the burning house but did not succeed and received minor burns. I ran in the house, picked up the phone and called the fire brigade as quick as possible. I then ran outside and started helping the people who tried to keep the fire in control. In about five minutes the fire brigades had arrived showering loads of water on the house making all of us wet. The fire had extinguished and the people were saved but received second degree burns. They were rushed to the hospital immediately in a red and white ambulance. Everyone was relieved and really tired so they all returned to their respected houses peacefully. Only one thing was bothering us a lot, and that was as to how the fire had started.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Scarlet Letter :: Free Essay Writer
Scarlet Letter Through out the Scarlet Letter I believe that Hester and Dimmesdale do redeem themselves. I am led to think this for Three major reasons. The first being that the sin is between man and God. In my beliefs they do not have to repent to the people for they have not sinned against them. My second reason for my opinion is that both Hester and especially Dimmesdale feel bad in their hearts for what they have done. The third and final reason is that for every crime I feel that there should be an equal or greater punishment for the crime. Both of the two pay more than what is fair for the crime they committed. Sin is between man and God. Being Lutheran this is a belief of mine that I live by. I believe this for when you sin it is God’s heart you are breaking, there for you must repent to him not the people. Hester does this all through out the book. She takes the scarlet letter as a personal ignominious burden. Hester carries the shame of the A in her heart. Much deeper than just on the outside or in public. By this she shows that she is sorrowed in her heart, which in my opinion means she is repenting to God. It is very easy to see Dimmesdale’s shame and repentance in every action he carries out through out the book. Dimmesdale talks of how hard it is to preach to a congregation and save souls when his is polluted. In every action he does he feels bad for the crime he has committed and it shows with his health. For not being able to obtain peace of mind he looses sleep and proper nourishment and eventually his health for a very long period of time. When one can not obtain peace of mind in my opinion it is because ninety-nine percent of the time something is on their conscious. A conscious was God given meaning that there for Dimmesdale is constantly feeling bad begging for forgiveness from God. God is very forgiving and it is written that Jesus died on the cross to cleanse us of our sins. My interpretation of this means to me that Dimmesdale repenting with his whole heart will be forgiven. If one is inline with God I feel that they are redeemed. There are cases in the bible where it says if one is to sin against the people or the church then he must confess in front of those he
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Systematic Approach to Managing Ohs
MODULE 1 SYTEMATIC APPROACH TO MANAGING OHS ASSESSMENT Module 1 PROJECT 1 Write a detailed report on the implementation of a systematic approach to managing OHS. Your report might be theoretical or based on your specific workplace. Ensure that you include the following: ?Requirements for record-keeping ?Sources of OHS information and data ?Consultative arrangements ?OHS action plans ?OHS specialists (internal or external) and technical advisors ? Other functional areas ?Proposed changes to the workplace Stakeholders Construction Australia is the company that I am employed by. Our company offers services in refractory installation to all major industries. We are involved in the construction and maintenance of boilers, kilns, ovens, incinerators, etc. in power generation plants, heat treatment plants, chemical plants, steel mills, oil refineries and many more. We conduct high risk work such as demolition, confined space entry, working at heights, and work at extreme temperatures mainly in major hazard facilities.Due to the nature of our work it is vital that we have a system in place to manage Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). A systematic approach to managing OHS allows us to follow a structured framework that ensures primarily, we reduce the risks of injury or illness in the workplace or anyone affected by our activities and that we comply with all relevant laws and legislation. The main elements of an Occupational Health and safety management system (OHSMS) are: †¢Commitment and policy †¢Planning †¢Implementation †¢Measurement and evaluation Review and improvement These elements are incorporated into the system and involve consultation at all stages with stakeholders and key personnel of our organisation. The basis of this approach is a cycle of continuous improvement as illustrated below in fig. 1: When establishing a more systematic approach to managing safety, it is helpful to understand where your organisation is in terms of OHS mat urity. Four levels of system maturity can be considered: †¢Immature (Troubled) †¢Reactive (Responsive) †¢Attentive (Managed) Mature (Value-Adding) Our company is at a mature level as we have established structures, systems and processes in place. We also have a shared belief that OHS is a critical aspect of personal and organisational performance and focus continually on improvement and ways to reduce risks. An effective OHSMS requires the participation of all parts of the organisation. To gain this commitment from people, senior management takes an active role in leadership, allocation of resources, consultative meetings and regular reviews of OHS.The first step in the systematic approach to OHS is to develop a comprehensive OHS policy that states the overall objectives and sets out the company’s commitment to health and safety. The policy should be sufficiently clear and be capable of being read by all relevant parties, internal and external. The policy shoul d be endorsed by the most senior person, such as the CEO or managing director. Beroa’s OHS policy is attached to appendix A. Action plans are a vital part of the planning and implementation process.The organisation needs to determine the key regulatory requirements they must meet and also get an understanding of their major OHS risks and how they will be identified. Objectives, targets and key performance indicators (KPI’s) need to be set. These should incorporate both lead (e. g. number of safety audits conducted) and lag (e. g. number of lost time injuries) indicators. Lead indicators are commonly referred to as Positive Performance Indicators (PPI’s) that focus on assessing how successful an organisation is performing.Using a combination of both lead and lag indicators will provide the best outcomes. A plan is vital to ensure targets are reached in a systematic way and it should be linked to the organisation’s strategic plan. The plan should allocate r esources and timelines and can be used to monitor development of the OHSMS. Appendix B is a Beroa action plan that we have in place. It outlines the systems that we use to ensure that we are compliant with legislation and we are fulfilling the objectives of our OHS policy.We use policies and procedures, inductions, meetings, toolbox meetings, consultation, pre-start checks and regular training and development to deliver all our processes. Our documented policies for hazard identification and hazard/risk assessment, make sure that we remain regulatory compliant through our business activities. Consultation with workplace personnel, OHS professionals, insurers and other relevant group is undertaken to ensure that we develop a safe workplace and mentality. We aim to translate legislation into a language that can be comprehended at all levels.This allows people to understand and participate with feeling unsure or confused. Beroa has an open door policy on all aspects especially OHS. Con sultation is the best tool that we use in our workplace. The changing nature of our working conditions on a constant basis means that we need to know what is going on so we can make sure that we remain compliant and that our systems are working appropriately. Our consultation procedure (Appendix C) acts as an information highway between management and employees, so that if any changes are required they can be made, documented and then implemented into the system.We use the consultation processes with all stakeholders that are involved in our OHSMS, these include but are not limited to: †¢Management †¢Administration †¢Clients †¢Employees †¢Suppliers †¢Unions †¢Work cover and other relevant authorities †¢Insurers †¢Public †¢OHS and technical experts All information gathered from stakeholders is considered and used in the development of our systems, policies and procedures. The applied procedures that our company has in place allow us t o constantly monitor and evaluate our performance.Daily toolbox discussions, training, weekly meetings, management meetings, safety audits and safety checklists (Appendix D) are some of the tools we use to monitor and evaluate. Major policies are reviewed every 2-3 years or as required. The nature of our work requires that we retain specific records for specified times in order to comply with legislation. These include: Confined space entry- we retain entry permits for 1 month, risk assessments/JSA for 5 years, training records for the term of employees employment plus 7 years and any notifiable incidents for 2 years after the incident occurs.Health monitoring records- these must be kept for 30 years after they are recorded and 40 years for asbestos related documents. These records must be kept confidential. Hazardous chemicals register- we keep registers of any chemicals that are stored. We list them and keep material safety data sheets, which are readily available to employees or anybody that could be affected by the chemical. We have two methods of record keeping, hard copy and electronic. All documents are kept on both. Within the electronic system we have a sub-system called Timberline.This system is passcode protected and has restricted access; all personal details and personal health records are kept in this system for confidentiality. Our OHS manager has access along with relevant management. Project files for each client are kept and updated after completion of each project. Documents included include attendance sheets, JSA’s, toolbox meetings, materials and equipment, inductions, training, client feedback, performance reports, safety audits and observations. Employee records such as inductions and qualifications are also kept and updated when needed.We also keep lists of OHS safety representatives and are readily accessible and up to date. OHS affects all aspects of an organisation. An effective OHS system allows other functional areas to thri ve and exploit the benefits. The reduction and elimination of work place injuries will reduce the cost of workers comp premiums, limit sick days and reduce the money spent on rehabilitation, all this eases the strain of budgeting systems and also allows more resources for training and information of OHS.Public relations will find it easier representing our positive results in safety and compliance to existing and future clients, public and relevant authorities. It will also reduce the workload of administration allowing them time to work on other aspects of the business. Our OHS system allows our employees to take an active role in all aspects in relation to the system. This gives them a sense of ownership and the drive to make sure that we reach and outperform our goals and objectives.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Corporate Social Responsibility -Pros and Cons Essay
CSR which stands for corporate social responsibility which is also known as corporate citizenship, corporate conscience and responsible business. 2.Different organisations have framed different definitions – but in a nutshell CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. It is like giving back to the society. 3.CSR working would go beyond monetary donations to involvement in actual planning, execution and monitoring of public welfare programmes which has an overall impact to the consumers, workforce and stakeholders. 4.By adopting CSR it enables the corporate sector to achieve the twin objective of achieving a measurable positive change in the community and also the brand building of the company, boosting the morale of owners, shareholders, employees and customers. 5.All leading corporates in India are involved in corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes in areas like education, health, livelihood creation, skill development, and empowerment of weaker sections of the society. 6.Our company is too busy surviving hard times to do this. We can’t afford to take our eye off the ball – we have to focus on core business. It’s the responsibility of the politicians to deal with all this stuff. It’s not our role to get involved 7.Notable efforts have come from the Tata Group, Infosys, Bharti Enterprises, ITC Welcome group, Indian Oil Corporation among others. 8.As per the latest news, government’s new companies bill reportedly ask large companies to spend 2 % of their net profit on CSR.The theory is that corporates must aim for social goals not just profits. 9.To summarize CSR is one where it’s a win- win situation for both company as well as for the society.
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