Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
John Lockes Concept of a Persistant Self Essay - 1055 Words
In this essay I will first explain John Locke’s statement, â€Å"whatever has the consciousness of present and past actions is the same person to whom they both belong†(278). Then I will elaborate on the criteria outlined by Locke to describe the concept of a persistent self. Following the flushing out of Locke’s reasoning, I will delve into David Hume’s concept of the Self as a bundle of perceptions. The juxtaposition of these two propositions of the nature of self will show that John Locke’s idea of persistent self is flawed when examined against David Hume’s concept of self as a bundle of perceptions. Locke states that, â€Å"whatever has the consciousness of present and past actions is the same person to whom they both belong†(278). What†¦show more content†¦One who holds the chain view of self may say that although they cannot remember a certain time period, they can remember a time period when they could recall the period which they currently cannot. Through this shared link of remembered consciousness and the application of Locke’s assertion that, â€Å"whatever has the consciousness of present and past actions is the same person to whom they belong†(278) the perpetrator of the chain view can justify their assertion that they are the same person now as they were in the time period they cannot recall. Locke, however, would not subscribe to this application of his own logic. Locke states that, â€Å"if it be possible for the same man to have distinct incommunicable consciousness at different times, it is past doubt the same man would at diffe rent times make different persons†(279). Locke believes in self as subject to be subject to change enough to constitute an entirely different self from one moment to another granted a lack of memory. David Hume posits an entirely different viewpoint of the self as a bundle of perceptions in his argument against Locke’s concept of the persistent self. Hume lays out two arguments in his error theory: that there is no good reason for believing that we are persistent beings, and that we mistake the ideas of identity and diversity when defining the self as persistent. David Hume proposes in his argument that the concept of a persistent self lacks sufficient
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Roman Law Essay Example For Students
Roman Law Essay Romans did not have very complicated laws but when they were broken there was very heavy punishment. Roman laws influenced most of the laws we have now and most of the laws of other countries. Americas court system was modeled around the Roman court system. They had upper courts and lower courts and that was what built our strong court system now. One thing that we did not take from the Romans is the right to be a Citizen. In Rome there were very strict class systems and they were classified greatly by clothes, shelter, and seating at the games. The word citizen for them meant that you had to be free and lived in Rome. The class system was always followed no matter what. You could move up from your rank in society but then you would have to work really hard and it was not easy because people would still look at you as a low class. The class systems from highest to lowest were the senators, councilmen and their families. Then came the regular middle class citizens, next were the Plebe ians who were very poor but not slaves and last was the slaves who owned nothing at all not even the clothes on their back because it all belonged to their master. Therefore, if slaves were caught running away they were brought upon charges of theft for stealing themselves and their masters clothing. Stealing held a very heavy punishment and that punishment was always upheld. The punishment was capital punishment and all of this was done to teach them a lesson. Some say the Romans had a very strange way of doing things but, the way their country was setup most of their laws were necessary for them. All of this got started with the Twelve Tables of Rome. Which were much like the Ten Commandments except man made them up. They were engraved into Bronze tablets and made up by ten Roman Magistrates around early 450 BC. The laws were really made to please the Plebeians because they complained that they didnt get any rights because the laws were never written down and were often changed. A fter this the Plebeians could no longer be fooled because the Twelve Tables covered all aspects of the law briefly stating the crime and then the punishment. This was where the court system came in because the courts were the ones that had to follow by the Twelve Tables and there was no way to cheat the Plebeians because the laws were in the main Forum hanging up for those purposes. Since our court system was modeled around theirs then it was basically like it is now. They had upper courts and lower courts and the right to an appeal was very well granted but only with good reasoning. The only thing about their court system that we did not take on in a big way is capital punishment. I say this because the Romans loved to kill any one who broke any of their laws but we do not kill unless you have killed first. Another aspect of Roman law is crucifixion, which was what was done to Jesus Christ. The Romans show very little mercy on anyone who comes across them. They show even less mercy to strangers that try to change them because nobody likes change but the Roman officials despised it because it would no longer make them rich and powerful to the people. Family laws were less harsh than state laws. Family law was much different especially for higher classed people. The children of that time were beat on occasion when they did something wrong but it was never on a regular basis. They had hearts when it came to family. The girls still had very little freedom to choose husbands and to plan their own life and they were married off very early. To parents it was a relief to finally marry off their girl child but to marry of a boy child meant more wealth to their family. In Conclusion the Romans had a very uncomplicated legal system and since everything was so easy to comprehend if you broke one of their laws sixty percent of the time you were sentenced to death with out thinking but other times you were just banished. Our laws came straight from out of Rome because the law system worked very well for them. Only certain aspects of their laws were not adopted by us because they were thought to be too cruel. But, what could you say except for when your in the Romans house do as they do or you could get capital punishment for doing what you thing is right.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Mars Incorporated free essay sample
Mars is one of the world’s largest privately owned businesses with annual purchasing of $4 billion. The company is now running an online auction to induce competition and reduce the sourcing cost. In this case, the objective is to buy packages from multiple suppliers at the minimum possible cost. There are 12 different SKUs to be fulfilled from 7 different suppliers. Here is the bidding sequence: During the analysis, we will analyze the problem and ignore the constraint of the number of winning bidders and maximum total winning bids by each supplier. Analysis: First, we decide to build base model for analysis. In the base model, we find there are two allocation methods both achieving the minimum possible cost $ 4470. But based on the tie-breaking rules, we find out the option 2 can fulfill the bidding requirement earlier than option 1. Therefore, we recommend to choose Option 2. Option 1 Option 2 Supplier 2, 1, 6, 3, 7 consist the bidding package. During the optimization, we impose binary constraints to the number of bid instead of integer constraints since we assume Mars can not accept the same bid for multiple times. We will write a custom essay sample on Mars Incorporated or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What if Scenario: To exam the sensitivity of constraints, we run the sensitivity report as below: Therefore, the manager should defer the additional order to the next procurement cycle. (instead, he will encourage retailers to buy other Mars products) As we see the shadow price is 999 for 1500 medium LHS hence the cost will increase by $999. additional constraints for procurement: As noted in the case, cost is not the only objective that Mars cares about. Since these suppliers have worked with Mars for many years, factors such as fairness, reciprocity, and balance influence actual allocation of winners. However, before Mars address these issues, they need to think about the impact on the procurement cost. Keanu and Steve decide to examine one issue at a time in isolation. Location: [Fairfox initiative] Suppliers 6 and 7 are located near Mars headquarters in Fairfox, VA. If Mars wants to guarantee that at least one of the package suppliers is located in Fairfox, the total procurement cost would have no change. Since the optimal option does include supplier 7. Should Mar’s Guarantee Business for Strategic Suppliers? MAR’s considers suppliers 1, 3, 5 as strategic partners for MARS as they supply packages for both confectionary and non-confectionary food products. If a constraint is placed that each of these suppliers win at-least one bid what are the effects on the cost? What is supplier 1 has a minimum order amount? Supplier 1 refuses to supply if the winning amount total is less than $500. MAR’s needs to decide whether to allocate any orders to supplier 1 or no. Assumption: The above constraint that 1,3,5 are strategic partners is relaxed and the solution with lowest cost is most optimal We decomposed this into two scenario’s detailed in the excel as Q5 (1) and Q5 (2) For scenario 1 the constraint we placed is that the sum value of orders for supplier 1 be greater than equal to 1 The sourcing cost turns out to be $5147 and the supplier combination is as below Bid.
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