Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Business Essays – Entrepreneurship Pancake Cereal
Business Essays Entrepreneurship Pancake Cereal Enterprise Pancake Cereal Business Model/Mo’s Pancake and Cereal Bar Introduction Entrepreneurship is a flourishing action in the United States, just as all around. Expanding quantities of individuals are choosing to execute their fantasies of business proprietorship. There are somewhere in the range of three and 5,000,000 innovative undertakings embraced yearly inside the United States. Eighty-four percent of those beginning another undertaking are first-time business visionaries (Zimmerer in any case, 64% of private companies flop inside six years (Zimmerer and subsequently, beginning another business is not, at this point apparent as especially unsafe. Considering this good condition for innovative movement, the accomplishment of another undertaking, Mo’s Pancake and Cereal Bar (MPCB), situated in the lively and chronicled downtown area of Grapevine, Texas, appears to be especially encouraging. Components of a few applicable orders will assume an imperative job in th e achievement or disappointment of this specific endeavor. By exploiting the viewpoints of these specific controls, it should be conceivable to incorporate their experiences so as to make a reasonable field-tested strategy that will bring about a definitive accomplishment of Mo’s Pancake and Cereal Bar (Repko, 2005). There are a wide scope of controls that could add to the formation of a fruitful strategy for MPCB. A portion of these orders incorporate engineering, business organization, training, history, political theory, human science, and urban arranging and improvement. Three orders have been distinguished as those making the best commitment: urban arranging and improvement, engineering and the subfield of inside plan, and business with an accentuation on private venture the executives. A comprehension of urban arranging and advancement will be important to guarantee a marketable strategy that will be that is with regards to the general objectives and the drawn out impro vement plans of the city of Grapevine. Urban arranging and advancement assumes a key job in understanding examples of development and its subsequent financial ramifications (McCarthy, 2007). The proprietorship and the board of MPCB must comprehend the criticalness of network objectives and the significance of these objectives on a definitive achievement of MPCB. As an association, MPCB ought to create solid binds with regional government and take a functioning part in advancing its turn of events. One way it can do this is by partaking in such exercises as Main Street Days , Grapefest , and different occasion celebrations held yearly in the city of Grapevine.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Logistics Strategy For Brewery Industry Commerce Essay
The Logistics Strategy For Brewery Industry Commerce Essay There was a review on dissemination costs by organization of Logistics and Distribution Management in 1992. In this review, it was recorded that half of the dissemination costs are happened in food and tobacco industry and in this manner a cautious arranging is required to control these costs (Institute of Logistics and Distribution Management, 1991/92). These expenses can be constrained by powerful coordinations the executives and coordinations system. Undoubtedly, a great deal of conveyance costs are brought about in transportation and coordinations and to be a suitable concern the distillery business needs to execute a solid coordinations methodology to beat this issue. In our conversation, we will attempt to talk about the essential directing issues and vehicle planning and afterward we will attempt to structure a solid coordinations technique to beat this issue. Distillery Industry in UK is not any more a bit of cake now. The market is currently soaked and to be a fruitful market pioneer a bottling works organization needs to cut down its expenses. The fundamental directing issue which a distillery industry faces is Selecting the most ideal way or course accessible to convey products to the last buyers. The fundamental planning issue is Selecting the best time accessible to arrive at target clients. These issues are acquired at whatever point there will be there is a multifaceted nature in the showcasing channel arrangement of an association. The more intricate the framework, the more muddled the steering and planning issues in the coordinations the board. In our conversation beneath, we will attempt to audit the methodologies followed by a distillery industry and will make an endeavor to suggest a substantial coordinations system with regards to UK Market. Examination of a UK based brewerys current key situation from a coordinations point of view and Critical evaluation of accessible chances to create existing coordinations abilities. An Example of Scottish and New Castle plc: Scottish and New Castle plc is one of the biggest UK based bottling works gatherings. This gathering appreciates a solid money related back in addition to a pie of monster deals in the UK. The organization has all around characterized advertise coordinations frameworks and can without much of a stretch have a serious edge because of its methodical and expert activities. The Companys principle operational parameters are: First the requests from the clients are gathered on a telesales framework which is additionally modernized. At that point orders are physically punched to the companys primary database and further screening is done over yonder, for example, credit cutoff points and stocks accessible. Crisis orders are just acknowledged in the wake of assessing the request lead time for better client assistance. They utilize substantial merchandise vehicles to move the greater part of products one after another. This methodology prompts lower costs and furthermore opportunity cost of time. If there should be an occurrence of client asserts a legitimate back pulling system is there to defeat the issue of client stirs and lower costs. The drivers and other group individuals are paid appropriately which are engaged with the conveyance procedure. Regardless of such an all around oversaw framework, there are a few issues which should be investigated and tended to deliberately. More Order to installment cycle Client Privacy The avenues in UK are for the most part one way. There are sure government guidelines as far as weight limits. Unseemly size of request shipments is there The requirement for a superior mechanized and innovation the board framework. Drivers are exacting to labor for 9 hours regardless of the way that it is an intense activity. (Subside G. Eibl, Roddy Mackenzie, David B. Kidner, 1994) We can survey these issues are openings which needs to address for a solid and faithful client base. It is critical to note here that business needs to concentrate on the client and ought to have an expansive meaning of market for a solid and steadfast client base. The primary dangers to business issue and a wellspring of botched market chances is the frail spotlight on the client and rivalry. It is a propensity for the market heads to be solid and have a solid spotlight on advertise. These market heads don't just concentrate on fulfilling current buyer needs yet in addition to see the requirements of clients which nobody is tending to. As an explanation, they appreciate a sound benefit and solid and faithful client base (Roger J Best, 2008). Remembering the above perspectives, we can break down as a lager fabricating organization, we have to dissect the undiscovered bit of the market and should need to execute such a coordinations system to defeat over issue. Note that this organization has an encounter of modernized vehicle directing and booking framework. From the outset the organization intended to utilize the electronic framework in 1970, yet because of less advancement in innovation and some different limitations it was hard to accomplish this goal. An underlying framework was grown however it was hard for the organization to fulfill the needs of the client suitably and the expense of innovation dropped in the British Market. This likewise prompted the open door Technological Advancement. The Scottish and New Castle effectively picked up advantage from this chance, received a modernized coordinations the board framework and today is the mystery of its achievement in the UK Market (Peter G. Eibl, Roddy Mackenzie, David B. Kidner, 1994). Regardless of all the above conditions, the organization appreciates a sound serious and vital situation in the market and now we will see that how might we boost these chances to defeat the issue. Since now we are discussing the situation of 1991, the difficulties which a distillery organization faces in UK condition are almost a similar today for instance they have to improve their coordinations for better client assistance and in this sense there is an open door for a preparing organization to deliver this client need to through appropriate steering and planning for client accommodation. As indicated by the most recent patterns in bottling works industry: There is more development than previously Serious Turbulence Development of Local organizations contending the monsters Additional Capacity and legitimate coordinations and stock administration are the drivers of achievement and market initiative Monetary Conditions have hit the lager advertise There is another pattern of mergers and acquisitions. (Society of Independent Brewers, Local Brewing Industry Report, 2009) On the off chance that we break down the Scottish and New Castle plc as for above patterns in bottling works industry then it is anything but difficult to track down that we need a viable coordinations the executives framework to command over expenses. We have to completely actualize the Systems Concept and Total Costs Concept for structuring a fruitful coordinations methodology. All the above issues are really openings accessible in the market. Assessment of the key ways to deal with coordinations the executives that could be utilized by a UK based bottling works: Key and Rational Logistics Planning for Scottish and New Castle plc: On account of Scottish and New Castle plc, a ton of vital arranging and strategic methodologies could be utilized for planning and solid coordinations procedure. A legitimate a proper course arranging must be finished. As far as longer courses some uncommon motivating forces must be given to the drivers and the staff engaged with coordinations and tasks. Pointless courses must be stayed away from to conquer this issue in light of the fact that the purpose behind that is they will cause costs higher. Utilizing various vehicles to move products to clients additionally causes superfluous expenses. Utilizing legitimate vehicles to convey merchandise at the getting offices of customers is a decent way to deal with control the expenses. It is likewise essential to note here that the entirety of our philosophies hover around costs. Just those coordinations system will be effective which will Lessen Costs Give Customer Convenience Stock Management Coordinated Order Processing. We will attempt to shape a coordinations the executives technique in the accompanying situations: Satisfaction Management: Most importantly we have to design about how to adequately convey merchandise to the last customers. At that point we can choose about the best accessible alternatives, for example, trucks or little vans to convey merchandise to conclusive buyers. To the extent UK is less shy of two way streets and a large portion of the streets are one way. Along these lines we could utilize bigger trucks to convey merchandise and enterprises to conclusive customers. Also, It is imperative to examine that would these transportation mediums will set aside us cash or not. Additional shipments and lower request sizes of Scottish and New Castle plc will naturally make additional weight customers. There ought to be a legitimate documentation and record keeping of transportation and dispersion for future referencing and observing coordinations costs. An appropriate warehousing framework must be created to guarantee legitimate coordinations the executives. For instance, the distribution centers must be situated at a spot close to the advertising channels for fast transportation and expenses. Little request sizes and lopsided requests can destroy the circulation costs. A legitimate bundling procedure must be utilized to store brew bottles for appropriate use of room and legitimate dissemination of merchandise. Gracefully Chain Management: Appropriate client assistance and stock arranging must be done in lager industry on the grounds that the market is currently at its development with more contenders and complex clients. Some Master Production plans must be accomplished for coordinations the board. Lager Industry in UK contains both value cognizant and quality cognizant clients along these lines appropriate market division and situating is required by this distillery organization. The greater part of the items flop in showcase in light of their flexibly. An open door for Scottish and New Castle is to make their items broadly accessible for solid customer reaction. Compelling opposite coordinations framework can be produced for better client support. Request Management: So as to adequately convey products to conclusive buyers a legitimate interest estimating must be accomplished for practical conveyance measures and alternatives. Some time bigger and unnecessary creation prompts additional expenses and are an extra
Friday, August 21, 2020
Hampton Hampton, city (1990 pop. 133,793), independent and in no county, SE Va., a port of Hampton Roads at the mouth of the James River, connected to Norfolk by bridge and tunnel; settled 1610 by colonists from Jamestown, inc. 1849. It has a large seafood packing and shipping industry (fish, crabs, and oysters), as well as manufacturing (computers, electronic and transportation equipment, machinery, chemicals, and wood products). Nearby military installations include Langley Air Force Base (est. 1917) and adjacent NASA Langley Research Center; Fort Monroe , built 1819â€"34 to command the entrance to Chesapeake Bay and now decommissioned, is a national monument. One of the oldest continuous English settlements in the country, Hampton was founded on the site of the Native American village Kecoughtan. It was attacked by pirates in the late 17th cent. ( Blackbeard was captured off the coast), shelled in the Revolutionary War, sacked by the British in 1813, and nearly burned to the ground by evacuating Confederates in 1861 to prevent its possession by Union troops. It is the seat of Hampton Univ. Of interest are St. John's Episcopal Church (1728; original church est. 1610) and a nearby reproduction of a Native American village. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography
Hampton Hampton, city (1990 pop. 133,793), independent and in no county, SE Va., a port of Hampton Roads at the mouth of the James River, connected to Norfolk by bridge and tunnel; settled 1610 by colonists from Jamestown, inc. 1849. It has a large seafood packing and shipping industry (fish, crabs, and oysters), as well as manufacturing (computers, electronic and transportation equipment, machinery, chemicals, and wood products). Nearby military installations include Langley Air Force Base (est. 1917) and adjacent NASA Langley Research Center; Fort Monroe , built 1819â€"34 to command the entrance to Chesapeake Bay and now decommissioned, is a national monument. One of the oldest continuous English settlements in the country, Hampton was founded on the site of the Native American village Kecoughtan. It was attacked by pirates in the late 17th cent. ( Blackbeard was captured off the coast), shelled in the Revolutionary War, sacked by the British in 1813, and nearly burned to the ground by evacuating Confederates in 1861 to prevent its possession by Union troops. It is the seat of Hampton Univ. Of interest are St. John's Episcopal Church (1728; original church est. 1610) and a nearby reproduction of a Native American village. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Emma Goldmans Internal Tyrants - 1311 Words
Emma Goldman’s concept of â€Å"internal tyrants,†as discussed in her piece The Tragedy of Woman’s Emancipation, describes how the conventions and expectations that are prevalent in society that affects the personal thoughts and feelings of women and thus shapes their actions, preventing them from living totally free. Goldman discusses how these internal tyrants can be seen when a woman worries about how she will be perceived in her social circles and communities, and may subsequently allow those perceived reactions to dictate her behavior and attitudes. She internalizes the idea of their judgement and this affects her decision making without her always recognizing it. Goldman explains that women do not know the true meaning of emancipation†¦show more content†¦After we have been freed from the internal tyrants, as well as the external tyrants that prevent independence, then womankind will be totally emancipated. While a woman is not free from the inter nal tyrants, they act as a police on her behavior and attitudes, keeping her docile and subordinate to her oppressors. Although external tyrants are more apparent and seem more tangible, internal tyrants are experienced more privately and often remain unchecked, and we can become oblivious to them. This is the reason why Goldman claims they internal tyrants â€Å"far more harmful to life and growth,†than external tyrants, (Freedman 172). Internal tyrants can plague a woman’s mind and deprive her of her freedom by influencing her behavior and swaying her beliefs. This can, of course, undermine feminist ideas and reinforce patriarchal views for a number of reasons. One being that since a woman is being controlled by anything other than the values and beliefs that are truly her own, internal tyrants undercut feminist ideals as they take precedence over the woman’s free will. Also, by allowing the views of others to influence her, a woman may likely adhere to patri archal expectations of what is â€Å"acceptable†behavior for her, as those are often the ones that are deeply ingrained and commonplace, and deviations from these expectations can be treated
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Lesson Overview Jane O Connors The Fabulous Fashion...
Lesson Overview: In her Fancy Nancy series, author Jane O’Connor introduces a variety of â€Å"fancy†words to young readers that include descriptive vocabulary words. In Fancy Nancy and the Fabulous Fashion Boutique, there are many economic vocabulary terms embedded within the text and story. These words relate to economics standards for second grade social studies. This lesson will introduce students to key economic vocabulary embedded within the text, as well as to illustrate key economic concepts through talking and writing about the text. The economic vocabulary introduced in the story will be reinforced by a having the students create a poster advertising for a new entrepreneurial business. Sources/References: Exit Slips. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2015, from Slips.pdf Kozdras, D. (n.d.). Finding Fabulous Financial Literacy Vocabulary With Fancy Nancy - ReadWriteThink. Retrieved November 16, 2015, from State Standard(s): 2.RI.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. 2.L.4.a Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. 2.L.5.a Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe foods that are spicy or juicy). List t Overarching objective(s) of the lesson: At the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Big Brother In 1984 Essay - 1405 Words
In 1984, the novel by George Orwell, a story of a totalitarian government was created in order to send a warning to all nations post World War II. In this novel the government is set up in a hierarchical system. Atop this hierarchy is Big Brother, which is a symbol for the ruling government power. Directly below Big Brother is the Inner Party. The Inner Party is the ruling Party in Oceania; those in the Inner Party are responsible for the campaigns for Big Brother and the Party’s regime. Below the Inner Party is the Outer Party. The Outer Party does most of the white collar jobs, such as rewrite history as Big Brother finds necessary, creates the ad campaigns and write books as Big Brother decides them to be written. The Proles are at the†¦show more content†¦In the majority of novels with a hero, the hero or heroine is courageous, strong, and charismatic. Winston Smith who, is a weak individual, both physically and mentally, and lacks the wits to avoid detection, is an anti-hero as he betrays himself as well as his love interest and ultimately accepts defeat in this particular novel. Heroes tend to have a lot of physical strength, allowing them to fight their enemies and opponents. Our anti-hero, is evidently unable to physically beat his enemies, or at least resist their strength with his own. From the beginning of the novel, it is evident that Winston Smith is physically inept as the narrator states, â€Å"The flat was seven flights up, and Winston, who was thirty-nine, and had a varicose ulcer above his right ankle, went slowly resting several times on the way.†(P1) The lacking of physical abilities is present in fact that Smith had to stop multiple times climbing the stairs. A physically ept man on his age should be able to climb a few flight of stairs without stopping. To further the evidence of Smith’s lack of fitness, during a morning exercise routine, â€Å"A Sudden hot sweat had broken out all over Winston’s body.†(P37) The exercises which the comrades were partaking in were mere stretches, which Winston had difficulty with, further confirming this physical fitness is sub-par. In novels with heroes and heroines, the hero or heroine is brave and mentally strong; toShow MoreRelated1984 Big Brother Essay1153 Words  | 5 PagesIn the novel 1984, by George Orwell Big Brother does not appear in the reading but still has a significant presence in the novel. Although Big brother never appears physically in the novel he is considered the ruler of Oceania. All over Oceania you can find propaganda posters with his face on it. The poster says, â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU†. Big brothers face is also on coins and telescreens. Even though the ideas and views of Big brother and the party have brainwashed most people except a fewRead MoreEssay On Big Brother Control In 1984814 Words  | 4 Pages In the book 1984,by George Orwell, The main character Winston has a love affair with a girl named Julia.Their leader Big Brother controls all and knows all. They later get caught by the thought police and put through extreme conditions to reduce them to their core. Big Brother uses violence, manipulation, and propaganda to brainwash and control the perceptions of â€Å"his†citizens therefore , indicating it is possible to change people’s reality.    One of the many ways Big Brother controls his peopleRead More 1984 Big Brother Is Watching You Essay1149 Words  | 5 Pagesthe novel 1984, by George Orwell. Authority was also a profound factor in Stanley Milgramamp;#8217;s experiment conducted in 1974. It seems that authority has been around longer than any of us can remember, and it is authority that dictates the way we act. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Authority is based on instinct. When we receive an order, we intuitively react and follow the command. At first, we do not think, nor contemplate the effects that come as a result of our actions. In 1984, we get aRead MoreThe Individual vs. Big Brother in 1984 Essay1173 Words  | 5 PagesThe Individual vs. Big Brother in 1984 â€Å"That is what has brought you here. You would not make the act of submission which is the price of sanity. You preferred to be a lunatic, a minority of one. Only the disciplined mind can see reality, Winston. [†¦] Reality is not external. Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the PartyRead MoreFreedom of Media: Big Brother and 1984 Essay898 Words  | 4 Pagescitizens. The government can abuse its abundance of authority by controlling all of the media available to the citizens. In 1984, Orwell fears government control of media because it helped brainwash and control the citizens in Nazi Germany and the USSR and today it continues to inhibit free will and thought in areas such as China and Russia. Several times throughout 1984, Orwell emphasizes the dangers of the government having total control of the media. The government holds a tight rein over theRead More1984: Nineteen Eighty-four and Big Brother Essay1324 Words  | 6 Pageswhich independent thinking is a crime punishable by death, the government does not think of the common good by which all of the society will benefit, and the leaders are self-serving. Big Brother doesnt need to justify its ways because it holds all of the power in society through its ministries. In the novel, 1984 by George Orwell, there is one theme that stands out the most from the point of view from Winston, the main theme of the book is that government’s intentions are not benevolent, but self-servingRead MoreA Rhetorical Analysis on Nineteen Eighty-Four1044 Words  | 5 PagesRunning Head: NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR Nineteen Eighty Four: A Critical Essay on Rhetoric Bereket Kifle Composition 12 Honors Abstract George Orwell employs the usage of different rhetoric throughout 1984.  The rhetoric differs from describing the human body and its struggle to survive to the different crimes and how the citizens felt about them.  Also, within 1984 lies a warning from Orwell: to eliminate the caustic consequences of a communist government.  While OrwellRead More1984 By George Orwell1038 Words  | 5 Pages 1984 by George Orwell Brittany Beard Creative Writing 12/14/17 Abstract In this essay, I will use three sources to develop an answer to the question: â€Å"What relevance does Orwell’s text, 1984, written in 1948, have on today’s society?†. I will discuss today’s society’s use of words used in, 1984. The sources given are all relatable, but i have chosen these three, because I can give a better reasoning to how they are relatable. I must include Citations for all informationRead MoreEssay on The Utopia of Orwell and Foucault1368 Words  | 6 Pagesover all individual bodies-this is the utopia of the perfectly governed city†(Foucault, 6) This quote extracted from the Essay Panopticism written by Michel Foucault perfectly describes in detail the controls put on the citizens of Big Brother’s Oceania in George Orwell’s 1984. Through control of relation, surveillance, and separating out their dangerous mixtures Big Brother obtains a government system, which is described by Foucault as a â€Å"Utopi a.†The Utopia relies upon more than one methodRead More1984 Ap Essay890 Words  | 4 Pages1976. The conflict created when the will of an individual opposes the will of the majority is the recurring theme of many novels, plays, and essays. Select the work of an essayist who is in opposition to his or her society; or from a work of recognized literary merit, select a fictional character who is in opposition to his or her society. In a critical essay, analyze the conflict and discuss the moral and ethical implications for both the individual and the society. Do not summarize the plot or action
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Concept of Ethics Is Business Place & Sustainability-Free-Samples
Question: Discuss about the Concept of ethics is business place and sustainability. Answer: Introduction The application of ethics in the domain of business can be referred as to business ethics or corporate ethics (Cavanagh, 2012). Business ethics generally refers to the contemporary organizational principle, sets of values, standards and norms which tend to rule the behavior and actions of an individual in a corporate world (Noddings, 2013). The corporate ethics has two dimensions namely normative or descriptive. In the corporate career, the field is mainly normative. With the help of this report, I plan to understand the concept of Business ethics and how being ethical reflects in the long-term sustainability of the business. As per my understanding of various texts and journals, Business ethics refers to `taking the correct course`. It includes all the dimensions of the business from production to company`s behaviour with the end users. Sustainability refers to a balanced approach to the economic activity and societal benefit. It simply means meeting the needs of the future generation in the same way the needs of the present generation are met (Carroll Buchholtz, 2014). A committed business often integrates its ethical behaviour with corporate social responsibility. Through this report, I will be reflecting on the example of a certain business organization, which was faced by an ethical dilemma and narrate its course of action thereby making a critical analysis of their decision. A successful business is one, which not only makes sufficient profits to satisfy its stakeholders but also shows ethicality in its business practices by taking care of the society. The chosen company is Merck and Co., Inc, which is a pharmaceutical giant based in America. I shall be analyzing their ethical practice with reference to the river blindness case and how it affected its stakeholders and future operations. I will be describing the background of the company and the scenario of the disease prevailing at that time. About the company Merck and Co. is a pharmaceutical company based in America. The company was formed in 1891 as an American subsidiary of the German company named Merck found in 1668.It is one of the leading pharmaceutical brands in the world. The case regarding River Blindness-The ethical dilemma The case developed in 1978 when Merck was about to lose its patent protection on its two main best selling drugs. These drugs were a significant source of income for Merck and due to this, the company decided to invest a significant amount in the research and development of new products (Crane Matten, 2016). The company spent approximately $1 billion in the research, which was paid off when they discovered four new medicines. One notable thing I have observed about the company is that Merck never bothered about profits. Their motto has always been that Medicine is for people and not for profits. In my view, the core value of the company has been very clear; they have wanted the welfare of the people rather than large revenue. The river blindness, which is caused by parasitic worms that live in small flies, which breed in the rivers of the developing countries like Africa and Latin America. These countries are home to the third world paper that greatly depends on these rivers as a source of livelihood. Whenever a person is bitten by a fly, the larvae of the worm tend to enter the body and reproduce within. This sensation is very intense and causes immense itching, which has leaded to a certain group of people attempting suicides (Dewey, 2016). It was estimated in 1978, by the world Health organization that more than 300000 were the victims of blindness due to this disease and around 18 million were infected. There was no cure to heal this disease. This is where the role of Merck emerged. The scientists at Merck had found a cure for the disease. It is my opinion that the disease was mainly present in the third world countries and that they would not have been able to afford the medicine, which would have been extremely costly due to the years of research, which Merck undertook to find a suitable cure. In my opinion, had it been any other company it would have been easy for it to keep the ideas aside and concentrate on profit making (Bowie, 2017). However, the company did not do so. The executives were worried about the welfare of the company as the beneficiaries of the medicine would not be able to afford the medicine even if it was sold at cost (Durkheim, 2013). It was stated that a single dose of Mectizan-the name given to the drug, could kill both the parasite as well as the fly. Merck decided to explore third party payment options with organizations like World Health Organization and the United States Agency for International Success but this resulted in a failure. According to me, had it been any other company, it would have aborted the idea and carry on with their regular course of business. In today`s competitive environment, any business firm is only considered about profits and I think if such a situation would have arrived today another company would not have bothered about the scenario. Finally, for the welfare of the society and the fact that the benefits of the medicine are greater than its costs, Merck decided to distribute the medicine free. Since that time, the company has sold more than 700 million tablets. This decision of the company was based on its core values, which are based on perseverance and improvement of human life, maintaining high standards of ethics and integrity, improving the quality of life and not being profit oriented (Carroll, 2013). Impact on stakeholders As per my research, the stakeholders theory states that the actions of the firm need to be beneficial and create maximum value for the various stakeholders like the customers, suppliers, public and government. The Merck case is justifiable as their main motive was to improve the healthcare of the people in general. In my opinion, this move made by the company raised the position of the company in the eyes of its stakeholders. This move by Merck was highly praised by its stakeholders, which portrayed the company as a company, which would go to any extent in order to help the society Impact on the reputation The reputation of the organization improved greatly as the people began to view the organization as a people oriented organization who worked for the welfare of the people rather than concentrating on earning profits (Weiss, 2014). I believe, though the firm lost out its profits and financials in the process it won people`s trust as I feel that a company who would go to any extent to do good for the citizens and not let anything come in its way of social responsibility benefits greatly in the eyes of the stakeholders. Recommendations Thus, in my opinion I can state that the Mectizan experience by Merck had showed us a new path towards the achievement of corporate social responsibility and caring about the society. After analyzing the given case that the companies, I would suggest that whenever a company is in an ethical dilemma, like that of Merck, the company should stress upon the welfare of people. I have learnt from this case that, high profits and a good financial position is a short-term benefit however, the image of the company in the eyes of the public goes a long way. According to me, the same approach should be adopted by other companies when they are planning to improve their image in the eyes of public. It is stated that whenever a company is stuck in an ethical dilemma it is always suggested to follow the ethical way. Conclusion Therefore, from the discussion I would like to conclude that ethics and business go hand in hand. The business though is considered, as a profit making organization should engage in ethical activities that benefits the society. When the company does so, it builds up its brand image, which goes a long way in creating a sustainable future for the company. As per my observation in the case of Merck, the directors and the company heads had formed the core value as working for the betterment of the people. This is why when the river blindness medicine was discovered the company decided to give it out free because they believed that no one should be denied from the freedom to live a peaceful life and that since the companies operate in the environment, it is their duty to contribute back to the society. This move by the company, as per my opinion, has made it one of the best companies from the ethical point of view References Bowie, N. E. (2017).Business ethics: A Kantian perspective. Cambridge University Press. Carroll, A. B. (2013).Business ethics: Brief readings on vital topics. Routledge. Carroll, A., Buchholtz, A. (2014).Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Nelson Education. Cavanagh, G. F. (2012).American business values. Pearson Higher Ed Crane, A., Matten, D. (2016).Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. Dewey, J. (2016).Ethics. Read Books Ltd. Durkheim, E. (2013).Professional ethics and civic morals. Routledge. Noddings, N. (2013).Caring: A relational approach to ethics and moral education. Univ of California Press. Weiss, J. W. (2014).Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Hill Essays - Hills Like White Elephants, Abortion, Elephant
Hill Like White Elephants The most striking feature of this short story is the way in which it is told. It is not a story in the classical sense with an introduction, a development of the story and an end, but we just get some time in the life of two people, as if it were just a piece of a film where we have a lot to deduce. The story is of a woman and a man on their trip to a place where she can have an abortion. In the title Hills like White Elephants, Hills refer to the shape of the belly of a pregnant woman, and White Elephants is an idiom that refers to useless or unwanted things. In this case the unwanted thing is the fetus they are going to get rid of. Everything in the story is focused around the conversation and the decision The American and Jig must make. In the first paragraph we have a short and concise introduction to the characters, the narrator refers to them as The American and the girl. The narrator doesn't give names to them, because they may be symbols of many couples in the same situation. We can deduce the difference in age as she is considered as The Girl and he is The American. Later on we will know that her name is Jig, but we don't learn his name. The name of the girl is not a normal name, and is also very symbolic. It is the name of a lively dance, or it can also refer to a particular sort of behavior or activity, which varies according to the situation that someone is in (Collins Cobuild dictionary). What this name implies that she can change her mind about the abortion. He is afraid of her changing her mind about this and is continuously trying to reassure her in the decision. A narrator describes the setting. We learn the story happens in Spain, in the Valley of the Ebro. The train the characters are going to take is an express train from Barcelona to Madrid. We don't know exactly where they are, or the time and date it takes place. We don't even know if they really take the train. We must take into account the fact that the train is stopping only for two minutes, a very short time. This limited time symbolizes the time Jig has to have the abortion .She cannot think it over for a long time. The later she has the abortion the more risky for her health it becomes. She is nervous because abortion has not been legal in Spain till very recently and in a dictatorship time it was a very punished practice ( The abortion had to be done before noticeable. After the first introductory paragraph we find a dialogue between the couple. This dialogue is presented as being very natural, but it was carefully written, because through it we are going to deduce the kind of relationship they have. The real theme of the conversation is not clearly stated but is underlying. They are talking about love, feelings, and her pregnancy. There is tension in the air at some moments but they cannot express it openly. Maybe they don't want to be heard, or maybe it is just a problem of communication and of sharing feelings. There are also references to sexuality in the form of phallic symbols, the first one is related to the title, the trunk of the elephant, then we find another one in (Ans del Toro), the bull as a symbol of virility. The decision for the abortion in the end will be Jigs. She is the one who starts the conversation and she is the one who is making the decision. She is very straightforward. She takes her hat off and puts it on the table. She is getting rid of what covers her. She wants to speak out about the situation clearly and put the feelings, as she does with the hat, on the table to be talked about openly. In his turn to answer instead of answering her questions, he changes the subject and answers "It's pretty hot." This implies that he wants to change the subject and talk about simpler things such as the weather. Men have problems showing their feelings. The characters are really mysterious to us. We know nothing about their lives, but they seem to have nothing to do in life apart from sex and drinking. Alcohol is
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Why the Spanish Verb Estar Is Used With Muerto
Why the Spanish Verb Estar Is Used With Muerto Finding the reason why estar is used instead of ser in sentences like mi padre est muerto is probably to be found somewhere in the history of the Spanish language rather than in any logical application of the rules of grammar. To the native Spanish speaker, ser and estar are two separate verbs, seldom interchangeable. But because they can both be translated as to be, they have been the source of confusion over the years to English speakers learning Spanish as a second language. Estar vs. Ser If grammar were only a matter of following rules, one could make good arguments for using either ser or estar. Rather than list opposing arguments (which would probably serve more to confuse than anything else), here are two related rules that make a good case for using estar. First is that when a form of ser is followed by a past participle, it generally refers to the process of a verbs action taking place, while estar followed by a participle generally refers to a completed action. For example, in los coches fueron rotos por los estudiantes (the cars were broken by the students), fueron rotos passively refers to the action of the cars being broken. But in los coches estaban rotos (the cars were broken), the cars had previously been broken. Similarly, the use of estar generally suggests there has been a change. For example, tà º eres feliz (you are happy) suggests the person is by nature happy, while tà º ests feliz (you are happy) suggests that the persons happiness represents a change from a previous state. Following either of these guidelines for choosing the right to be would result in the use of a form of estar in a sentence such as Mi padre est muerto. One might also come up with arguments for using ser, and ser is often the choice incorrectly made by beginning Spanish students. But the fact is that estar is used with muerto, and it is also used with vivo (alive): Mi padre est muerto; mi madre est viva. (My father is dead; my mother is alive.) All logic aside, the indisputable rule that estar is the verb of choice with muerto is just something youll have to remember. Thats just the way it is. And after a while, estar is the verb that will sound right.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Instructional Planning and Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Instructional Planning and Strategies - Essay Example This type of strategy helps the students to learn more effectively by communicating with each other and do their work with a little fun with their friends. In group assignments students take active participation in the tasks that has been assigned to them. This strategy also encourages the students to teach other students of their group who are little weaker in their studies. (Goleman, D. 1998) Another type of strategy that is been commonly practiced is Collaborative Strategy. This is a type of strategy which is used for broader groups or large groups. This strategy is used for the interactions of larger groups to communicate with each other. In classroom environment this type of strategy is not suitable because in classes the group formation is smaller. This strategy is useful for making school communities, discussion group of faculty and students of school and other broader groups which have much complicated issues to discuss with each other. (Goleman, D. 1998) The Strategy that I have chosen to implement in the classroom is Co-Operative Instructional Strategy. The reason why I chosen the Co-operative strategy rather than collaborative strategy is that it encourages the student to achieve their tasks more efficiently and effectively because this strategy helps the students to achieve the common goals that have been given by the instructor. ... Students in groups also know that there success depends upon team work and every one has to try his/her best to achieve the desired result. It also provides students to learn with more well defined frame work from which they learn from each other in a group. (Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. 1998) The importance of Co-operative Strategy is becoming very fruitful now days. Many teachers are applying this strategy in classrooms to make students feel comfortable and enjoy their studies. Implementing this strategy also improve the self-esteem of students; students who have disabilities for learning also accept this type of learning style and their attitude towards the school eventually becomes good. (Johnson, D. & Johnson, R. 1998) CIRCUMSTANCES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGY There are certain conditions that have to be followed for successive results while implementing Co-Operative Strategy. When applying this strategy the teachers must do careful planning and well preparation before going in classrooms. They have to brainstorm their minds that how they will implement the strategy and what would be alternatives regarding this approach if the implementation goes wrong. They should plan and prepare that how they will interact with their students in class and how will they make the environment of classroom more interactive Another condition is the proper formation of groups because if groups are not formed properly then the results of the strategy will not be appropriate. The instructor has to form groups in such a way that every one in the group feels good about their group members and every group has one or two members that are more intelligent then others so that they can teach the group members as well.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Multiple Linear Regression Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Multiple Linear Regression - Assignment Example del is linear in the sense that every predictor variable is either a constant or the product of a parameter (ÃŽ ²Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s) and a predictor variable (x’s). The researchers further investigated whether the multiple linear regression models provided a better description of the relationship between the wave modes than would a linear regression model with only a linear predictor. In the model, y (the response) is the ISOw (westward moving intraseasonal modes) and x (the predictor variable) is the ISOe (eastward moving intraseasonal modes). ISOe is further broken down to into more variables by applying power functions of the predictor variable to create a polynomial. Higher power terms are included in the model in order to seek evidence of any improvements in how they increase the accuracy of how wave modes are displayed. This selection is arbitrary and purely based on the assumption that it may lead to the development of a better model for depicting the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Each of the introduced independent variables is then evaluated for significance (at the 5% level of significance) in order to establish its relevance to the entire model. Each item with a coefficient whose p-value falls below the 0.05 (5%) threshold is considered as being statistically significant. Such variables are retained in the model. The test of significance was repeated several times using the bootstrapping technique. A^sub s, T^ = (X^sup T^^sub t^X^sub t^)^sup -1^X^sup T^^sub t^Y^sub s,t+T^ by solving for a specified lag for the regression coefficients. In this equation, â€Å"T†is the matrix transpose, â€Å"a†the coefficients, and s the grid points (more easily interpreted as the lags). The regression equation involving the nonlinear terms is then tested for suitability against the ordinary linear regression. The model that appears to explain more variance in the response is deemed better.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Gluconeogenesis: Fructose 1, 6 Bisphosphatase Deficiency
Gluconeogenesis: Fructose 1, 6 Bisphosphatase Deficiency Ashley Woodin Introduction Fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate is a key regulatory step in gluconeogenesis, as well as many other intracellular metabolic pathways. During gluconeogenesis there is an important process in which there is a conversion of glucose to pyruvate which is known as glycolysis. This process will require three irreversible steps that have a very high negative free energy that is in the forward reaction. So, in order to have a conversion from pyruvate into glucose, the pathway will require the use of enzymes, which will allow the bypassing of these irreversible steps. One of the enzymes that is used in this process is called Fructose 1, 6-bisphosphatase (Kelley, 2006). This step is a very important step in gluconeogenesis, being that it needs to have fructose bisphosphatase to catalyze the conversion of fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate into fructose 6-phospahate, and inorganic phosphate, that without it can block the pathway. Its activity is high regulated by the levels of Adenosine Monophosphate, fructos e 2, 6-bisphosphate and also citrate (Kelley, 2006). When deficiencies are present in this pathway and devoid of this conversion, glycerol into glucose, it will lead to fasting hypoglycemia, lactic acidosis and other physiological conditions. This enzyme is highly active within the liver and the intestines. Therefore, when the liver glycogen stores are no longer available, the physical properties of the body will fight for its homeostasis (Eren, 2013) by converting a three carbon based molecule such as non-carbohydrate precursors, like lactate, glycerol as well as pyruvate, in order to maintain blood glucose levels (Eren, 2013). There is a physiological change in the body there is a need for glucose to be synthesized. When there is a high demand upon glucose synthesizes, the gluconeogenic pathway is increased exponentially. This demand typically occurs during high cardio, pregnancy and lactation (Wallace, 2002). There can also be an increase demand upon gluconeogenesis when the body is in a fasting state (Wallace,2002). Hypoglycemia has a high dependence upon gluconeogenesis formation, because it is the key metabolic pathway which will protect this physiological problem. Moreover, hypoglycemia is a very life-threating situation. Within the gluconeogenesis metabolic pathway, Fructose 1, 6-bisphosphatase is very crucial; as it aids in biochemical reactions and many of the physiological functions of the body. Structure and Properties Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate with six carbon sugar molecules is also known as the Harden-young ester, it has fructose sugars which are phosphorylated on the C1 and C6 (Diwan, 2006). However, before this step can be achieved it needs to start from the beginning in gluconeogenesis. It is important to note that glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are not reversed pathways. It’s clear to see that glycolysis and gluconeogenesis will have a lot of the same enzymes embedded within each other; however these two functional pathways are not the reverse of each other. Moreover, the irreversible steps, that are high exergonic, in glycolysis are bypassed in the gluconeogenesis pathway (Berg JM, 2002). In fact, each of the pathways is so tightly controlled by the intercellular as well as the intracellular signals, and they are highly regulated so that glycolysis and gluconeogenesis will not occur in the same cell at the same time (Berg JM, 2002). Looking at the glyconeogenic pathway the ability to see that there is a conversion of pyruvate into glucose (Berg JM, 2002). These conversions are achieved by Non-carbohydrate precursors of glucose, in which they are either first being converted into pyruvate, or they will enter the pathway at later pathway intermediates like oxaloacetate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate . There are currently three major non-carbohydrate precursors that are looked at, and they are lactate, amino acids, and glycerol. The first (1) precursor stated above is lactate, it has a formation that is by the active skeletal muscle, this occurs at a when the rate of glycolysis has reach its maximum of the oxidative metabolism (Berg JM, 2002). The amino acids with a carbon skeleton (Brandt, 2003) are derived from the amount of proteins that are in the diet, as well as starvation, from the breaking down of the proteins that are housed within the skeletal muscle (Berg JM, 2002). Lastly, the glycerol will obtain fat cells by the hydrolysis of triacylglycerols which wi ll yield glycerol as well as the lipids (Berg JM, 2002). As stated above, before looking at fructose-1,6-bisphosphate the beginning steps in gluconeogenesis needs to be looked at. Biosynthesis. We began synthesis by looking at the glycolysis pathway, there are a lot of enzymes that are used to synthesize glucose from a pyruvate stage. There are three reactions in glycolysis which we termed irreversible (specifically those catalyzed by pyruvate kinase, phosphofructokinase, and hexokinase) are not used in gluconeogenesis synthesis (Selinsky, 2002). These three (3) reactions of Glycolysis have such a large negative delta G in the forward direction that they are essentially irreversible, which is why bypass is used by enzymes in order for them to be synthesize. The delta G will make a determination of the proper direction of the carbon flow through the pathway (Brandt, 2003). Gluconeogenesis needs to be more exergonic, so in order to make that happened six ATPs are consumed (Miles, 2003).The first step or bypass, is by converting 3 carbon pyruvate into 4 carbon intermediate oxaloacetate , biotin-requiring reaction catalyzed (King, 2014), this is called pyruvate carboxylate (Sel insky, 2002). This mitochondrial enzyme will convert the pyruvate into oxaloacetate. Pyruvate carboxylase is a mitochondrial. The biotin is interconnected heavily as it is bound to the amino group covalently on the lysine side chain of the pyruvate carboxylase (Brandt, 2003). Pyruvate carboxylase catalyzes formation between the biotin (Biotin has a 5-carbon side chain whose terminal carboxyl is in an amide linkage to the e-amino group of a lysine of the enzyme (Diwan, 2007)), and carbon dioxide carbonate by having a covalent bond. When there is a reaction that is ATP- dependent, the carbonate will then be put into action and transferred to the pyruvate substrate, in order to make a molecule oxaloacetate (Brandt, 2003). the high and low amount of concentration of acetyl CoA and ATP will ultimately decide is the oxaloacetic acid will survive or diminish (Ophardt, 2003). If there is a lower amount of acetyl- CoA and higher concentrations of ATP than the pathway will continue (Ophardt, 2003). A Transport of oxaloacetate out of mitochondria Oxaloacetate Malate NADH + H + NAD + Malate Oxaloacetate NADH + H + NAD + Inner mito are seen in this first bypass step. The Using a specific enzyme the Oxaloacetate will now be able to be converted into phosphoenolpyruvate , by the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (Selenski, 2005). This Mg ²+ enzyme will require is GTP being the donor for when there is the possibility for a phosphoryl transfer reaction, thus losing the loss of a CO ² molecule. Therefore, within this first step bypass synthesis, the reaction has gone from, phosphoenolpyruvate to pyruvate, and overall one (1) ATP is gained. In returning to phosphoenolpyruvate from pyruvate, the equivalent of 2 ATP must be consumed (Selinsky, 2002). Note that the CO ² that was gained in the pyruvate in the beginning of the pyruvate carboxylase step, has now been loss in the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase. The second (2) bypass Now, to go from phosphoenolpyruvate to fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate into 6-bisphosphate, with this reaction the same reaction can be used, entirely by the concentrations of substrates and products (Selinsky, 2002). Because the reaction being exponentially endergonic, thus irreversible, the transition from the fructose 6-phosphate uses a catalyst from a different Mg ² + enzyme called the dependent fructose 1, 6-bisphosphatase, (Lehninger, ) This will promote an irreversible hydrolysis at the C-1 phosphate (Lehninger,). This is the third (3) bypass of gluconeogenesis which is the final step and in most tissues gluconeogenesis would end at the fructose 6-phosphate which was generated by fructose 1, 6 bisphosphatase being converted into glucose 6-phosphate. So, basically instead of having free glucose being generated, glucose 6-phosphate would be converted in glycogen ( Tymoczko, 2013). In this final step of gluconeogenesis, free glucose is will take shelter in the liver. Glucose 6-phosphate is then transported into the lumen if the endoplasmic recticulum, thus it is then hydrolyzed to glucose by the glucose 6-phosphatase (Tymoczko, 2013). Note that each of the step reactions that have been achieved, to the formation of glucose from pyruvate is considered energetically unfavorable, unless there are coupling reactions which are favorable (Tymoczko, 2013). In the end of this biosynthesis there are six (6) nucleoside triphosphate molecules that have been hydrolyzed in order to achieved a synthesize of glucose from pyruvate (Tymoczko, 2013). Regulation Gluconeogenesis is highly regulated by a series of regulations. The steps are broken down and now they have to be a regulation in gluconeogenesis. It is obvious that it’s going to have a direct correlation contrast to glycolysis. Consider the first stage in which energy is needed (Tymoczko, 2014). The main site of regulations is seen when the there is a regulation in the activity of PFK-1 and F1,6BPase and this would be the most important site for the controlling of the flux which is toward glucose oxidation or even when there is glucose synthesis. As described in control of glycolysis, this is predominantly controlled by fructose-2,6-bisphosphate, F2,6BP which is a powerful negative allosteric effector of F1,6Bpase activity (King, 2004). â€Å"Acetyl CoA is an allosteric effector of both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. Acetyl-CoA inhibits pyruvate kinase and reciprocally activates pyruvate carboxylase (Miles,2003). Second, insulin and glucagon are very important when regulating pathway (Wallace,2002). There will be a decline in the response to the glucagon stimulation, when the level of Fructose 2,6 bisphosphate decline in the hepatocytes (King, 2014). Once these signals are stimulated the signals will be excited through an activation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (King, 2014). Both the PFK2 and fructose bisphosphatase are present in the 55-kd polypeptide chain (Tymoczko, 2013). here is a substrate enzyme which is bifunctional (King, 2014) which contains a N-terminal regulatory domain (Tymoczko, 2013) being responsible for the synthesis of the hydrolysis of fructose 2, 6- bisphosphate and that is the protein kinase a phosphatase domain. Therefore once the PFK-2 is phosphorylated by PKA it will start to dephosphorlate, by acting as a phosphatase (King, 2014). â€Å"AMP will ultimately enhances the inhibition of Fructose-2,6-BP. Note that these allosteric effectors of fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase all are allosteric effectors of phosphofructokinase (Miles, 2003). These effectors reciprocally regulate both enzymes. Furthermore, fructose 1, 6-bisphosphase once it’s active, its activity will be highly regulated by the ATP to ADP concentration (Tymoczko, 2014). When this is high then gluconeogenesis can proceed to its highest potential. PROKARYOTES VERSUS EUKARYOTES Gluconeogenesis conversion happens in both the eukaryotic and prokaryotes, however it is very important to know its difference. In eukaryotes the lactate that is formed anaerobically within the muscles will be converted to glucose in liver and kidney, thus being stored as glycogen or even being released as blood glucose (Davis, 2014). In prokaryotes the production of the G3P product of photosynthesis will be converted in a starch form and then further stored in the chloroplasts or even being converted into glucose and sucrose, where it is then exported to the other tissues for starch storage (Davis, 2014). As stated above when it comes to the biosynthesis of all eukaryotes, it is an requirement for survival, because so much of the homeostasis of the body (e.g., the brain and the nervous system),glucose from the blood as the primary fuel source ( Nelson, 2012). Just alone the human brain will require as much as 120 g of glucose with a one day period (Nelson, 2012). When considering eukaryotes gluconeogenesis will primarly occur in the liver and also in the kidney but not much. In prokaryotes the seedlings, will find that it stores the fate and proteins, which are then converted into disaccharide sucrose foe the ability of transport throughout the plant that is developing (Nelson, 2012). â€Å"The glucose and its derivatives are precursors in the synthesis of plant cell walls, nucleotides and coenzymes, and a variety of other essential metabolites†(Nelson, 2012). There are many small organisms that are capable to grow on what are plain organic compounds like acetate, lactate, and propionate. They then will convert to glucose by gluconeogenesis (Nelson, 2012). Defects Pathway Although the pathway may be highly regulated, there are still possibilities for defects to occur. As stated in the beginning of this paper fructose 1, 6-bisphosphatase is very crucial; as it aids in biochemical reactions and many of the physiological functions of the body. In the mechanism of fructose 1, 6- bisphosphatase, there is the Glu98 which will activate a molecule consisting of water. That water molecule will than attack the phosphorus atom on the 1-phosphate of fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (Kelly, 2006).â€Å"The hydrolysis of a phosphate ester can proceed through an intermediate of metaphosphate (dissociative mechanism) or through a trigonal bipryamidal transition state (associative mechanism)†(Kelly, 2006). Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase which catalyzes the hydrolysis of D-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) to D-fructose-6-phosphate (F6P) and inorganic phosphate (Pi), it is the very key to the eyzamatic process of gluconeogenesis (Sato, 2004). phosphofructokinase is also an important catalyze reaction, because it will catalyze the reverse reaction, â€Å"the phosphorylation of F6P during glycolysis, the unidirectional FBPase regulates the flux of sugar metabolism†(Sato,2004). Furthermore, the enzymatic block can lead to the high amount of accumulation of gluconeogenic precursors (e.g. certain amino acids, lactic acid, and ketoacids) (Kelley, 2006). Therefore, when there is a fructose 1,6 bisphosphatase deficiency is an inherited as an autosomal recessive disorder and a person would have what is called a severe lactic acidosis and also with a diagnose of hypoglycemia. Disease Population in the United States In the United States alone about 10 percent of this nations population is diagnosed with hypoglycemia, from the defect in the enzyme fructose 1, 6, bisphosphatase. This disease affects those who are typically obese and or have type 2 diabetes. In order to try and control the diseas population treatments are use, like Metformin. Metformin is an anti-hyperglycemic reagent that has been used in the patients for over the past several years, in obese patients or overweight patients whose blood glucose levels cannot be controlled non-pharmacologically (Salpeter, 2010). â€Å"Fructose 1,6-BPase is a target for the development of drugs in the treatment of non-insulin dependent diabetes, which afflicts over 15 million people in the United States†(Kelley, 2006). Today it is still unknown on how fructose-1, 6 bisphosphatase is genetically inherited, there are still ongoing studies. Some of the ongoing studies that were seen is if Reye syndrome and sudden infant death, have a direct correlation to a defect in this enzyme, however the research still continues. As stated above, the primary target for hypoglycemia is still heavily looked upon in the obese community, and overweight community, because they are more susceptible to getting diabetes. As see fructose 1, 6 bisphosphatase is the key precursor for the gluconeogenesis pathway to occur. It is very important that the sugar intake is watch closely, when children are at a young age. According to a recent study, it is shown that fructose intolerant is seen in late infancy stage and only after they have a dietary ingestion of foods that are containing fructose or sucrose. Foods such as such as fruits, juices are the primary transportantion. The organs commonly affected by fructose bisphosphatase deficiency are liver, kidney cortex and intestinal mucos (Frazier, 2013). Overall Pathway of Gluconeogenesis Now, putting the metabolic pathway all together, Conclusion Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphatase is a very crucial enzyme to the continuance of gluconeogenesis regulation. With the literature that has been conducted, it lays out step by step why this metabolic biosynthesis pathway is vital to eukaryotic and prokaryotic. There are ways to combat this disease, and that is by maintaining a healthy diet. This entail will work to defeat the affects that this has on the population. BIBLIOGRAPHY Brandt, M. Amino Acid Breakdown. 2003. Retrieved from (Accessed December 5, 2014). Berg JM, Tymoczko JL, Stryer L. Biochemistry. 5th edition. New York: W H Freeman; 2002. Chapter 16, Glycolysis and Gluconeogenesis. Diwan, J. Gluconeogenesis: Regulation of Glycolysis Gluconeogenesis. Retrieved from (Accessed December 5, 2014). Frazier D. Glycogen Storage Disease Laboratory. 2013. Retrieved from (accessed on December 5, 2014) 2014). King, M. 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Monday, January 20, 2020
godfater character comparison Essay examples -- essays research papers
Comparison of the Characters Michael Sonny in â€Å"The Godfather†At a first glance Michael and Sonny appear to be quite different. Upon further observation, however, they do have some similarities. Although they are very different in their personality, values, and tempers, they are similar in areas of loyalty, their respect for their father, and their strong family ties. Their personalities are a study in contrasts. Sonny is brash and arrogant, where as Michael is calm and cool. When Don Corleone was in the hospital and Sonny was placed in charge, the family became kind of careless. He didn’t seem to care what could happen due to his actions. He wanted to kill the police captain and didn’t think about the repercussions. Tom has to tell him that it wouldn't be good to kill a cop, but they end up doing it anyway. I think Michael was pushed into it because of his loyalty to the family. He is more calculating in manner. Near the end when he "takes care of all the family business" on the day of the Baptism is a prime example of this. Because he was this way, the objects of his violence had no idea that it was coming. Their senses of values are also very dissimilar. Michael is a man of honor. He doesn't run around having affairs with different women. He only marries twice because his first wife was killed in the explosion. Sonny is an adulterer. He is with another woman during his sisters wedding, along with a few other times throughout the movie. The two brothers h...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Unit 2 M1
Unit 2 m1 Compare the aims and objectives of different types of business. I am going to compare a profit making and non-profit making business. All profit making business or organisation’s main goal is to maximizing profit- try to make the most profit possible. This is most likely to be the aim of business owners and shareholders. Another objective that other businesses have is to survive in the market – survival. It is a short term objective, possibly for small business just starting out, or when a new firm enters the market or at a time of crisis.However, Non-profit organisations are established around a variety of different sectors. These include social services, sports, cultural groups, education, and support groups. Their main objectives include: assisting others to participate in society, providing care and treatment, providing opportunities for people to engage in sporting teams, and promoting cultural or social values. TESCOS Tesco is a large business and it has a lot of aims and objectives. Some of which are: â€Å"To grow the UK core†.Tesco wish to expand on the number of stores in the UK and all over the world, also the number of services they provide. This is as relevant today as it was in 1997. The UK is the largest business in the Group and a key driver of sales and profit. Their objective is to â€Å"improve the shopping trips and driving a strong pace†This year, they are making a ? 1 billion commitment to improve the shopping trip, driving a strong pace of improvement in the things that are important to its customers which will involve the need to use revenue and capital investment.These changes will strengthen the shopping trip for customers, and consequently deliver improved performance for shareholders. â€Å"To be an understanding international retailer in stores & online†and â€Å"to respect their markets outside the UK†In 1997, their international businesses generated 1. 8% of the Group’s profits. In addition, today, they represent 30% and they’re now either number one or number two in eight of their 12 markets outside the UK. So they’re already ‘successful’ and are working to be an outstanding international retailer in stores and online.OXFAM Oxfam focuses on five areas that are informed by their beliefs as an organization. They are: * All human lives are of equal value. Everyone has fundamental rights which must be recognized and upheld at all times. * Poverty makes people more vulnerable to conflicts and natural disasters. Much of this suffering is unnecessary, and we must relieve it. * Unequal power relations – gender, race, class, caste and disability – make people more vulnerable to poverty and suffering.Women, who make up the majority of the world's poor people, are especially disadvantaged. Unequal power relations must be addressed wherever they occur. * In a world rich in resources, poverty is a morally indefensib le injustice. It can and must be overcome. Too often, poverty is the result of powerful people's decisions. We must challenge and remove unjust policies and practices. * With the right resources, support, and training, people living in poverty can solve their own problems. We're all responsible for working together to overcome poverty and suffering.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Philosophy of David Hume Essays - 1927 Words
The human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public. –( George Jessel ). One can say or try and dissect the brain and try to figure what’s going on inside of it and that’s what Philosophers today try to accomplish, but a question can be raised from this. Why is that why must the brain be dissected? This question is raised for the simple fact that Philosophers really want to know what’s going on the human brain. This can also go back to â€Å"knowing†and believing in something that can be proven as a fact. We will also take a look into induction which is the process of deriving general principles from particular facts or instances, and generalization the act or process of perceiving†¦show more content†¦The two general problems posed by Hume is how do we, as human beings, form opinions about certain issues that we may or may have not personally observed. The second part of his argu ment questions various people that have drawn conclusions from something they haven’t seen. In the article, Hume rarely refers to this particular issue as induction; he uses the term generalization a lot to discuss the topic. This issue has been around for a very long time looking back into our world’s storied history. We look at our observations in the past to sometimes speculate things that we will see in the future. For example, all of our life’s we have only seen one particular type of species of squirrels. This is the typical brown squirrel that one would see on a daily basis. Everywhere and every time someone mentions a squirrel you would envision something brown. You wouldn’t think that it was any way possible for there to be another type/color squirrel. This â€Å"assumption†was believed to be true for a long time until someone discovered a black squirrel and also a gray squirrel which proved those initial thoughts to be in correct. Therefore there statement was invalid about squirrels, so we can see that this is something that can happen on a day to day basis. Another great point that arises from Hume is that all events in the future will be as they were in the past. This idea is only trueShow MoreRelatedDavid Hume Philosophy1172 Words  | 5 PagesDavid Hume, the Scottish philosopher, is recognized for his â€Å"philosophical empiricism and skepticism†. Of course, it is not all that surprising that an educated man, such as David Hume, would attempt to explain the human condition through experience, considering the fact that Hume lived during the Enlightenment period; a period during which science and reason dominated the world of thought. In his autobiography, My Own Life, the Scottish philosopher, takes notice of the fact that even women wereRead MoreDavid Hume ´s Philosophy Essay875 Words  | 4 Pages Hume’s Epistemology David Hume was a Scottish philosopher known for his ideas of skepticism and empiricism. 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